Why did populations start to colonise and fortify hilltops in the Late Bronze Age?


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Mind Map by lorrae12, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by lorrae12 over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Why did populations start to colonise and fortify hilltops in the Late Bronze Age?
    1. Evidence for deterioration of the environment?
      1. Case Studies
        1. Pollen diagram evidence
      2. Evidence for movement down from upland areas
        1. Changes in settlement patterns as a result of environmental changes?
          1. Changes in use / type of agricultural land?
            1. Effects on society
              1. Competition, leading to hill fort development?
            1. SETTLEMENT
              1. Evidence for seasonality?
                1. Fortification
                  1. Typology of fortifications
                    1. Similarities to other LBA hill forts?
                      1. Links?
                  2. Where do hill forts sit in the LBA settlement landscape?
                    1. Relationship to other types of settlement - proximity?
                      1. Case study area with solid, dated settlement data
                    2. Agriculture associated with hill forts
                      1. Is agriculture changing because of environment? Is this leading to development of hill forts?
                        1. Relationship to existing agriculture eg Celtic Fields
                          1. Relationship to pasturalism eg corral?
                            1. EVIDENCE
                            2. Type of activity on hillforts
                              1. Industry?
                                1. Is there an agglomoration of the populations skills?
                                  1. Economies of scale?
                                    1. Is there an increase of activity at and of LBA associated with increased levels of bronze depositions?
                            3. MATERIAL CULTURE
                              1. What do the MC assemblages tell us about the usage of hill forts in the LBA?
                                1. GRAPHS
                                2. Typologies of assemblages at LBA hill forts
                                  1. Graphs
                                    1. Dominant artefacts?
                                      1. Graphs
                                        1. Similarities with other LBA hillforts?
                                          1. Evidence of trade / links
                                      2. What changes can be seen within the MC of the LBA?
                                        1. Is there signs of stress within society that might have contributed to hill fort development?
                                          1. Increase in bronze deposition in LBA
                                            1. Any hoards associated with LBA hill forts?
                                        2. LANDSCAPE
                                          1. Height above sea level?
                                            1. Any similarities between hill forts?
                                            2. Geology
                                              1. Proximity to water sources e.g. riverine or coastal locations
                                                1. Any emerging patterns
                                                2. Any evidence of more ancient use of same hilltops?
                                                  1. Proximity to other LBA hill forts
                                                    1. Clusters??
                                                    2. Proximity to other settlements
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