Natural Hazards


Brief summary of A Level Natural hazards
ellen s
Mind Map by ellen s, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by jacobhatcher97 about 9 years ago
Copied by LorettaRose about 9 years ago
ellen s
Copied by ellen s about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Natural Hazards
  1. El Nino and La Nina
    1. El Nino
      1. Australia: hot dry conditions: Drought
      2. La Nina
        1. Warm water pushed towards the Australian coast
          1. High pressure over South America bringing rainfall to Australia
            1. Australia: greater then usual rainfall
          2. Drought
            1. Definition: An extended period of below average precipitation that causes water shortages
              1. 4 MAIN CAUSES OF DROUGHT:-
                1. 1. High pressure know as anti-cyclones block low pressure from moving in bringing weather fronts with them
                  1. 2. Warm oceans cause moist air to rise forming clouds over the ocean. If winds are too weak to blow clouds onto land then no rainfall occurs over land
                    1. 3. Weather front may not bring rain in example with southern Europe once the front has gone over the UK
                      1. 4. If oceans are colder then less moist air will rise, thus less clouds from which would subsequently bring rain
                    2. Flooding
                      1. Human factors:-
                        1. Deforestation means steep slopes have low infiltration rates thus water flows straight into rivers
                          1. Clearing forest area for agriculture makes it more likely for flood waters to cause damage
                        2. Bushfire
                          1. Fuel,
                            1. El Nino:: hot, dry weather can make dangerous conditions
                            2. Heat
                              1. oxygen
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