Medium for biochemical reactions, transports, removal of
waste and maintenance of body tempreature
Primary sources of energy, fibre, cell markers, component of DNA
glucose + glucose
glucose + factose
glucose + galacose
Very little exists in food, glucose storage form for
animals • Store glycogen in liver and muscles • Serves
as an important energy reserve
• Plant cells store glucose as starch • Two forms:
amylose and amylopectin • Food sources: rice, oats,
beans, lentils, potatoes
Structural components of plants • Not available to
humans as a source of energy • Either: soluble (viscous)
or insoluble
Fibre helps us stay healthy • Promotes
a feeling of fullness (satiety) • Reduces
energy consumption • Acts as laxative,
to prevent constipation • Reduces the
risk of colon cancer • Lowers blood
cholesterol - LDL
Digestion • Salivary amylase in mouth • Pancreatic
amylase in small intestine • Intestinal enzymes –
lactase, maltase, sucrase • Glucose, fructose and
galactose are the final products
Absorption • Glucose, fructose and galactose absorbed
into blood to be taken to the liver via the portal vein •
Viscous fibre is fermented into various acids and gases
by bacteria in the large intestine • Non-fermentable fibre
escapes digestion and is excreted in faeces
Carbohydrate is stored in liver and
muscle as glycogen
During excess energy intake, excess carbohydrate is converted
to glycogen but when glycogen stores are full, metabolism
shifts so that more glucose is used for energy
If that does not restore glucose balance then the liver converts breakdown
products of glucose to fat which is transported to adipose tissue
When is glucose required
When a person has not eaten recently -
glycogen will be broken down to release
As glucose availability and glycogen stores depleted, body
switches to use fat, which can result in a building up of ketones
- ketoacidosis • Occurs with prolonged fasting, very low
carbohydrate diet , uncontrolled diabetes mellitus
Glycaemic Index (GI)
Glycaemic Index: A value that indicates the
potential of foods to raise blood glucose and
insulin levels Glucose 100, Fructose 20,
Sucrose 59, Maltose 100
energy, insulation, absorption of some vitiamins
Facts - insoluble in water, 95% lipids in food
are fats and oils, 99% of lipids in body are
triglycerides, are composed of carbon,
hydrogen and oxygen
Triglycerides: Fats - solid at room temp butter, Oils:liquid at
room temp Phospholips: lecithin, cell membrane
Sterols: Plant sterols, cholesterol
consist of 3 fatty acids + a 3 carbon glycerols
fatty acids: organic acid with a chain of
carbon and hydrogen atoms attached
Methyl end
Acid end -
carboxyl group
Saturated fats
No carbon double bond, maximum number of H -
coconut oil, butter, palm oil (more saturated a fat
is, the more solid it is at room temperature)
Polysturated fats
MOre than one double bond, contains less
hydrogens, food sources: cottonseed oils,
corn oils, oily fish
Only on carbon double
bond, two missing hydrogens
- olive oil, canola oil and
cashew nuts
Lipid digestion
Lipids in the body
Energy storage
Between meals stored as adipose in muscle tissue. At rest.low
intensity exercise, 30-79% of fuel is provided by lipid
metabolism. during aerobic ecercies, lipids are mobiliised from
storage to fuel muscles
Structural functions
Cell membrane
Protection, insulation, transport of fat soluble vitiamins,
falvour and texture
Dietary cholesterol and blood cholesterol
Dietary cholesterol 0 source: meat, eggs, fish,dairy products - DOES
NOT raise LDL cholesterol as much as saturated or trans fats
Liver manufactures cholesterol from CHO/PRP/Fat ---Accumulating blood cholesterol in the artery
walls the formation of plaque atherosclerosis heart attacks and stroke
Plant sterols: Strucutres are similar to cholesterol - margarine,
functional food
Essential fatty
Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) o Linolenic acid (omega-3): • 18
carbons and 2 double bonds • 1 st double bond is located
on the 3 Carbon from methyl end • Two metabolic
derivatives of omega-3: eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and
decosahexaenoic acid (DHA) rd • Best source – oily fish
(mackerel, salmon and sardines) • Other sources -
Vegetable oils, walnuts, flaxseeds o Linoleic acid
(omega-6): • 18 carbons and 3 double bonds • 1 st double
bond is located on the 6 carbon from the methyl end •
Sunflower, corn, soy, peanut oils, vegetables Why are they
essential? th Must be consumed in the diet, since the body
cannot manufacture them
structures of the body, enzymes and energy
made of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen
8 proteins are provided in food
Proteins help: Growth and maintance, enzymes and hormonzes. immune system
Insufficant proteins in teh blood streem - excessive amount of fluid -oedema
Recommended protein intake
10-35% total energy intake
Increase in pregnancy, lactation, active people/vegetarians
High protein diets
Increase callicum loss, weakend bones
Huigh protein foods may be high in fats and cvholesterol
regulation of metabolism, co-catalysts for enzymes
A (Retional/Beta-Carotene)
Found in red/orange fruit.
dark green veg, dairy
Needed for eyes, bone development, immune function
Deficiency - Nightblindness
D (calciferol)
Dairy products, liver
and fish, sunlight
Increased calcium
absorbtion, bones
Deficiency: Rickets, Osteoporosis
E (tocopherol)
Meat, veggie (avocardo)
Fights free radicals
Deficiency: Haemolysis, Anaemia
K (Menadione)
leafy veg, gult flora
Blood clotting factors
Deficiency: Bleeding
Potentially harmful in excess, "low fat" diet
inadequate intake. do not readily cross the
B3 - Niacin, Nicotinamid
Energy metabolism
- forms coenzymes
Meat, liver, poultry, fish,
B6 - Pyridoxine
AA metabolism -
promotes PRo
Meat, liver, poultry, fish
Folate, folacin, Folic acid
Co enzyme for DNA and RNA
Meat. nuts, fruit, potatoes
B2 - Riboflavin
Energy metabolism - forms
coenzyme with FAD, skin
Dairy, meat, liver, eggs
B1 – Thiamine
Energy metabolismpromotes CHO metabolism
– Promotes central nervous system
function‘Beri Beri’ –
Whole-grain cereals, fortified bread,
pulses, potatoes, legumes, nuts, pork,
ham, live
B12 - Cobalamin
Co enzyme for Dna to RNA
Meat, Fish, shellfish, eggs
C - ascorbi acid
citrus fruits, leafty greens,
Collagen, Iron
Not stored in the body, excess is excreated in
urine, more easily lost during cooking, act as a
coenzyemes (would stay in tact during
reactions to be used again)
Minerals - INorganic
structural for bones and teeth, electrolyres for muscles
contraction and never impuluses, water balance
Macrominerals >100mg
Electrolytes -ect
Microminerals -<100mg
Trace elemants
Fe, I, F, ZN
Unknown function
Boron, bromide
Toxic in small amounts
Lead, mercury, cadmium
Non Nutrient molecules
Dietary fibre
Omega 3
fatty acids
Functional foods -
processed foods with
added ingredients
Omega 3 enhanced eggs,
cereal fortified with
vitamins and minerals
that provides
health benifits
Medical form rather than food
NZ reccomendations
AMDR (Acceptable macronutrient distribution
range): an estimate of the range of intake for each
macronutrient for individuals (expressed as per
cent contribution to energy), which would allow
for an adequate intake of all the other nutrients
while maximising general health outcome.
SDT (suggested dietary target) A daily
average intake from food and beverages
for certain nutrients that may help in
prevention of chronic disease.