When Bertie needs reassuring during his last
speech of the movie he looks towards Lionel
for encouragement to carry on.
(This was not said during the speech)
"You have such perseverance, Bertie;
you're the bravest man I know. You'll
make a bloody good King."
On screen subtitles:
"They remained friends
for the rest of their lives
"Thank you, my friend." (Bertie) (Shakes Lionels
hand and places the other hand on his shoulder
as a familiar gesture.) You're welcome, Your
Majesty." (Lionel) (The close ups on their faces
show the expressions of gratitude, appreciation
and familiarity)
Bertie had never had a friend before Lionel and this
Speech scene was the first time he had ever
acknowledged Lionel to be his friend. (RESPECT) He
is also acknowledging the fact that Bertie would
never have been able to give this speech without
Lionel's help and support.
"What are friends for?" (Lionel)
"I wouldn't know" (Bertie)
This scene is also the first time that
Lionel ever address' Bertie with the due
respect a King (or Prince as he was before)
is due. He is finally showing respect for
Bertie's status of Royalty.
The scene when Bertie visits Lionel after his fathers death
shows the real development on their friendship. They are now
both on an equal footing when shown by the camera angles. The
low lighting makes it comfortable for Bertie in Lionel's room as well
as the model aeroplanes and the chairs being closer to each other.
The music in the background emphasises the melancholic feeling
of Bertie expressing what happened to him as a child, not being
fed and unfavoured by the nanny. Bertie is finally trusting Lionel
enough to talk about his private life and he has come by himself to
see Lionel because he feels comfortable with him.
Egalitarian- As an egalitarian Lionel
believes that everyone should be
treated equally and does so himself.
This means that he prefers to call
[King George VI] Bertie instead of his
formal name Prince Albert. He is very
true to this value all throughout the
movie and only shows the sign of
respect for Bertie's position ("Your
Majesty" ) when he feels that Bertie
deserves it
"Sorry Mrs
Johnson. My
game, my turf,
my rules."
"In here it
is best if
we are
Always has
been looked
down upon for
his stammer.
There are a lot of high angle
camera shots looking down on
Bertie which shows not only that
people look down on him
because of his stammer but
also reflects his lack of
self-confidence in his own
"I don't have a 'hubby'. We don't 'pop', and
nor do we ever speak about our private
She is a constant rock
for Bertie and always
believes in him.
"I'm sure you''l be splendid."
"I knew you'd be good."
MICROPHONE- stands for Bertie's fear
of public speaking and his stammer.
The microphone is in every shot
of the Bertie's speeches.
At the beginning of the movie he is scared of
the microphone due to his stammer so the
microphone is always in the shots because it is
dominant over him and controlling his fear.
By the end of the movie Bertie has gained more
confidence so as he progresses through his last
speech of the movie the camera is less focused on
the microphone (even bringing in out of the shot)
and more focused on Bertie.