45. People only pay attention to salient cues


Mind Map on 45. People only pay attention to salient cues, created by Nick Uliano on 21/09/2015.
Nick Uliano
Mind Map by Nick Uliano, updated more than 1 year ago
Nick Uliano
Created by Nick Uliano over 9 years ago

Resource summary

45. People only pay attention to salient cues
  1. Salient cues are small attributes such as color, size and shape
    1. People only pay attention to whats needed for the task at hand
      1. For example, pennies are seen everyday, but most of us don't pay attention to small details such as dates, wording and pictures.
      2. People are unconsciously aware that they have limited resources
        1. Therefore, the brain decides what it really needs to pay attention to, and what it can ignore
          1. Remember, when you're design keep salient cues in mind and make them obvious for your audience
            1. And also realize that most people will only pay attention to these cues and not small inconspicuous details
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