Stella by Starlight


This is my mind map for my book project.
Emily Yost
Mind Map by Emily Yost, updated more than 1 year ago
Emily Yost
Created by Emily Yost over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Stella by Starlight
  1. Theme: Everyone is equal no matter their skin color.
    1. Stella's dad voted and stood up for black people.
    2. Setting
      1. Middle 1900's
        1. A small town
        2. Conflict: Black people aren't being recognized and are being put behind whites.
          1. cause: White people think they are better just because their skin looks different.
          2. Characters: Stella
            1. Optimistic
              1. Determind
            2. Characters: Jojo
              1. Energetic
                1. Happy
              2. Characters: Mama
                1. Maternal
                  1. caring
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