Feature Article Structure


Mind Map on Feature Article Structure, created by 043940 on 13/11/2013.
Mind Map by 043940, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by 043940 almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Feature Article Structure
  1. Introduction
    1. Must outline the main subject of the article
      1. May make a controversial statement.
        1. Include background information.
          1. Establish a tone.
            1. Establish a relationship with the reader.
            2. Headline
              1. Grab readers attention.
                1. Highlight the main idea of the article.
                  1. Perhaps by using key words.
                2. Main Body
                  1. Facts + statistics
                    1. Must be correct if you are talking about a real band.
                      1. May use sub-headings
                        1. Could use tables, diagrams and graphs.
                          1. May include personal anecdotes.
                          2. Conclusion
                            1. Remind readers of the main subject of the article.
                              1. May encourage a change in attitude or opinion and an appropriate course of action.
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