Weight Loss


Degree Alimentary Mind Map on Weight Loss, created by alicecarpenter12 on 24/09/2015.
Mind Map by alicecarpenter12, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by alicecarpenter12 over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Weight Loss
  1. Malingestion
    1. Can't eat or won't eat?
      1. Dental damage
        1. Oral Neoplasm
          1. Foreign Body
            1. Psychic
              1. Anorexia
                1. Stress Induced
                  1. Neoplasm of satiety centre in hypothalamus
              2. Maldigestion
                1. Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency
                  1. Cowpat like, grey, greasy diarrhoea
                    1. Possibly coprophagia
                      1. Tyrosine Lipase Insufficiency test
                      2. Bile duct deficiency
                        1. Needed to emulsify fat
                        2. Brush Border Enzyme Deficiency
                          1. Very likely to see diarrhoea
                          2. Malabsorption
                            1. Loss of SA
                              1. Inflammatory Bowel Disease
                                1. Lymphangiectasia
                                  1. Pathological dilation of lymph vessels
                                    1. Poor fats + fatty vitamins absorption
                                    2. Lymphomas
                                      1. Bacterial overgrowth
                                        1. Hepatic Disease
                                          1. Right Sided Cardiac Disease
                                            1. Can cause oedema
                                            2. Very likely to see diarrhoea
                                            3. Malutilisation
                                              1. Most common cause if no diarrhoea
                                                1. Can cause:
                                                  1. Cardiac Disease
                                                    1. Look for murmurs
                                                    2. Diabetes Mellitus
                                                      1. Hyperthyroidism
                                                        1. Diarrhoea can be present
                                                        2. Neoplasm
                                                          1. Kidney failure
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