Rhetorical Appeals by Megan Coyle, Brittany Bunce, and Cicely Bunker_1


Mind Map on Rhetorical Appeals by Megan Coyle, Brittany Bunce, and Cicely Bunker_1, created by Cicely Bunker on 14/11/2013.
Cicely Bunker
Mind Map by Cicely Bunker, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by megancoyle almost 11 years ago
Cicely Bunker
Copied by Cicely Bunker almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Rhetorical Appeals by Megan Coyle, Brittany Bunce, and Cicely Bunker_1
  1. Ethos
    1. Cassius persuades Brutus and convinces him that fate does not exist and that we choose our path in life, it is not made for us. He tells Brutus that Caesar is not worthy of being king, and the only way that he could show everyone that is by becoming king himself.
      1. The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves, that we are underlings, (I.ii.90-132).
      2. At the Feast of Lupercal Caesar's wife will never have any children no matter the outcome of the race
        1. "To touch Calphurnia; for our elders say the barren, touchèd in this holy chase, shake off their sterile curse," (I.ii.6-9).
        2. When Cassius convinces Casca that the storm is because of Caesar. This is when Casca then decides to join the conspirators.
          1. "A man most like this dreadful night, that thunders, lightens, opens graves, and roars as doth the lion in the Capitol," (I.iii.57-78).
        3. Logos
          1. Casca tells Brutus and Cassius that Caesar "was offered the crown" and that "he put it by thrice" (I. ii. 220-223)
            1. This is an example of factual data and statistics. Casca is speaking to both men who were not at the event about things that actually happened. With the use of numbers and vivid facts, he is able to tell exactly what happened.
            2. Cassius believes that Brutus would be a better king than Caesar, yet all of the commoners love having Caesar as their king, (I.ii.90-132).
              1. This is an example of a logical argument. Cassius believes that once Brutus becomes king all of the commoners will see how great of a king he is, and how much better he is than Caesar, but some people may think Brutus would be a horrible king.
              2. Caesar says that "Cassius has a lean and hungry look" implying that he is hungry for power, and that "such men are dangerous" (I.ii.194-195)
                1. This is an example of theoretical, abstract language. Caesar doesn't actually mean that Cassius is hungry as in he needs to eat food, he means that Cassius is hungry for power and he is someone who could possibly threaten his reign.
              3. Pathos
                1. But ere we could arrive the point proposed, Caesar cried “Help me, Cassius, or I sink!” I, as Aeneas, our great ancestor, Did from the flames of Troy upon his shoulder the old Anchises bear, so from the waves of Tiber did I the tired Caesar. (I.ii.110-115).
                  1. This shows that Brutus was swayed by Cassius' speech and feels that Caesar is weak and unfit to rule.
                  2. A man no mightier than thyself or me in personal action, yet prodigious grown, and fearful as these strange eruptions are. Tis Caesar that you mean, is it not, Cassius? (I.iii.79-82).
                    1. Cassius is trying to tell Casca that Caesar should not be king because the only difference is his name. He is not a noble man and has done no valliant deeds to deserve the title of king.
                    2. "Why should that name (Caesar) be sounded more than yours?" (I.ii.151).
                      1. Cassius is asking Brutus what makes Caesar so special that the crowd chants his name. Cassius is trying to get into Brutus' ego and puff him up so he thinks he can take Caesar's place as the ruler of Rome.
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