Types of research


lidya Ayenew
Mind Map by lidya Ayenew, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
lidya Ayenew
Created by lidya Ayenew about 9 years ago
lidya Ayenew
Copied by lidya Ayenew about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Types of research
  1. Qualitative
    1. Textual data
      1. open for interpretation
        1. harder to analyse
          1. researcher reflexivity must be present when analyzing data
        2. rich data
          1. flexible
            1. methods of research
              1. collected without having an aim o
              2. Sample does not have to be representative
                1. Smaller Sample
                  1. purposive sampling targets a group of people.
                    1. snowball sampling: participants find other participants
                      1. convenience sampling: participants that happen to be available
                        1. generalization
                          1. inferential:
                            1. theoretical:
                              1. representational
                          2. generates new ideas and theories to explain and overcome problems.
                            1. Evaluation
                              1. Method, researcher, data, and theory triangulation
                            2. Quantitative
                              1. numerical data
                                1. easy to analyse
                                  1. easy to summarize
                                    1. methods of research: statistical tests
                                      1. Collected with an aim and hypothesis
                                      2. Representative Sample of target population
                                        1. larger group
                                          1. opportunity Sampling
                                            1. snowball sampling
                                              1. random sampling
                                              2. generalization
                                                1. Stratified sample
                                              3. Evaluation
                                                1. Ecological Validity
                                                  1. Representation of the sample
                                                    1. reliable: can it be replicated
                                                    2. They are meant for generalization beyond the sample from which it is drawn
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