Brain Lobes Mayra Hau April 17, 2022


The brains lobes and their functions.
Mayra Hau
Mind Map by Mayra Hau, updated more than 1 year ago
Mayra Hau
Created by Mayra Hau almost 3 years ago

Resource summary

Brain Lobes Mayra Hau April 17, 2022
  1. Frontal
    1. The biggest of the lobes.
      1. Processes cognitive functions.
        1. Memory
          1. Language
            1. Problem Solving
            2. Impulse Control
              1. Judgment
            3. Parietal
              1. Located between the frontal and occipital lobes.
                1. Processes sensory information that comes from all parts of the body
                  1. Sensation of touch
                    1. Writing
                      1. Spatial Orientation
                    2. Temporal
                      1. These lobes of each hemisphere are located on the side of the brain, arranges horizontally and attached to the temples.
                        1. Plays a role in perception and understanding.
                          1. Smelling
                            1. Tasting
                              1. Aggressiveness
                                1. Language
                              2. Occipital
                                1. The smallest of the four main lobes and is located at the back of the skull, near the nape of the neck.
                                  1. Plays a crucial role in the recognition of objects whose light is projected on the retina, although by itself it does not have the ability to create coherent images.
                                    1. Determining Color
                                      1. Determining size, depth, and perceoption
                                        1. Visual processing and reading
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