Net movement of molecules
of a substance from a region
of high concentration to a
region of low concentration
until equilibrium is achieved
(only for liquids/gas)
Concentration gradient -->
difference in concentration
Moving down/along the
concentration gradient
--> high con. to low con.
Moving against the
concentration gradient is not
in the lower sec. syllabus
Example: A hidden durian is brought
into the classroom (the durian smell
would diffuse until the whole
classroom smells evenly of durian)
Net movement of water molecules in
a liquid body from a region of higher
water potential through a partially
permeable membrane to a region of
lower water potential until equilibrium
is achieved
Water potential --> % of
water a substance contains
Hypotonic to ___ --> solution has a higher water potential
Isotonic to ___ --> solution has an equal water potential
Hypertonic to ___ --> solution has a lower water potential
I have this odd dedication to math than any other topic we have left for eya (._.) Maybe it's because I actually have hopes of doing well in Math aissh