It is the termination of a person's life to
relieve them of their suffering. Usually
people who under go it, have incurable
It is derived from the Greek
word 'euthanatos' , which
means 'easy death'.
It is against the law in
the UK, and it is illegal to
help someone kill
themselves. It can lead
to imprisonment of up to
14 years.
Types of Euthanasia
Voluntary Euthanasia
A person, usually with a painful, terminal
disease who is unable to do anything for
themselves, asks someone else to kill them
Non Voluntary Euthanasia
A person is not kept alive because they are regarded as having a life
worse than death, but cannot make decisions for themselves - eg;
Babies born with abnormalities, people on life support machines and
considered clinically brain dead, and those who are in a coma.
Passive Euthanasia
No action is taken to prolong a life, but no
deliberate action is taken to end it. E.g - If a
person with terminal cancer has a heart
attack, there would be no attempt to
resuscitate them.
Active Euthanasia
Deliberate action is taken to end a life, such as
the administration of a lethal injection,
overdose of drugs or withdrawing a life
supporting drug or machine.
Involuntary Euthanasia
A person who wants to live, but is
killed anyways. Usually murder, but
not always.
Pallative Care
Medical, emotional, spiritual care given to
a person who is terminally ill, and is
aimed at reducing suffering rather than
curing (Hospice Movement)
Living Will
A document stating a patients wishes of
how they want to be treated if they
become seriously ill and unable to
The Hospice Movement
Terminally ill people who are dying
of illnesses like AIDs or Cancer are
cared for in Hospices until they die.
People are psychologically
and spiritually prepared for
A hospice is a hospital for the terminally
ill, run on a personal basis with experts
to care for people.
Respite care.
Leaving a loved one with
special needs in the care of
another party.
Hospices strongly uphold the Christian
teaching that life is a value as it is created by