Statistics 1


stats revision semester 1
Mind Map by amy.mchugh, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by amy.mchugh over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Statistics 1
  1. Week 1
    1. measurement
      1. Concept-->conceptual definition-->operational definition-->variable
      2. True value
        1. Systematic error
          1. random error
            1. reliability
            2. vailidity
          2. levels of measurement
            1. nominal, ordinal, interval
          3. Week 2
            1. research design
              1. hypotheses
                1. specificity & direction of effect
                  1. falsifiable
                    1. empirically testable
                    2. in/dependent variable
                      1. causal explanations
                        1. time order
                          1. non-spuriousness
                            1. theoretical consistency
                              1. covariation
                              2. model/theory/assumptions
                                1. research design
                                  1. effects
                                    1. true experiment
                                      1. quasi experiment
                                      2. internal/external validity
                                        1. selection and out of sample extrapolation
                                        2. explanatory/confirmatory design
                                          1. omitted variables
                                            1. regression to the mean
                                              1. non random sample selection
                                          2. Week 3
                                            1. distributions
                                              1. simple frequency distribution
                                                1. measures of central tendency
                                                  1. mode, median, mean
                                                    1. caveat about the mean
                                                      1. mean: dispersion and central tendency
                                                        1. dispersion: range, interquartile range, variance, standard deviation
                                                2. descriptive stats
                                                  1. levels of measurement
                                                    1. measures of dispersion
                                                      1. skew
                                                        1. log & power transformations to transform skew! e.g. transform interval into ordinal
                                                        2. recodes and transformations
                                                        3. Week 4
                                                          1. standard deviation/variance
                                                            1. z scores
                                                              1. probability, sampling & inference
                                                                1. samples and populations
                                                                2. the basic law of probability
                                                                  1. joint/union/conditional probability
                                                                    1. probability distribution
                                                                      1. priori/posterior probability
                                                                        1. the general rule of multiplication
                                                                          1. the general rule of addition
                                                                          2. random sampling: selection and response bias
                                                                            1. random error
                                                                          3. Week 6
                                                                            1. Week 5
                                                                              1. inference with sample statistics
                                                                                1. confidence intervals
                                                                                  1. t scores
                                                                                    1. standard error
                                                                                      1. polling
                                                                                      Show full summary Hide full summary


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