Tiananmen Square_1


Mind Map for World History class
Lupita Bojórquez
Mind Map by Lupita Bojórquez, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by rg080560 about 9 years ago
Lupita Bojórquez
Copied by Lupita Bojórquez about 9 years ago
Lupita Bojórquez
Copied by Lupita Bojórquez about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Tiananmen Square_1
  1. Somebody
    1. Tank Man
      1. Mao Zedong
        1. Mao Zedong
          1. College Students
            1. Mikhail Gorbachev
              1. Chinese Military
              2. Wanted
                1. Wanted democracy
                  1. Freedom from communism
                    1. Goddess of Democracy
                      1. End of bloodshed and violence
                        1. Government Reform
                        2. But
                          1. Military Attacked
                            1. Some police supported the students
                              1. Military told protesters to leave
                                1. Students built Goddess of Democracy
                                  1. Students went on a hunger strike
                                  2. So
                                    1. Li Peng declared Martial Law
                                      1. Portrait of Mao Tse-tung is pelted with paint
                                        1. Protesters form a blockade
                                          1. Protesters block road with a bus
                                            1. Protesters set fire to tanks
                                            2. Then
                                              1. Bodies were left dead in streets
                                                1. An anonymous man stands in front of tanks
                                                  1. Police arrest anyone they can involved in the protest
                                                    1. The protest left hundreds dead
                                                      1. A wall of tanks is set up to block the square
                                                      Show full summary Hide full summary


                                                      Definitions and Area: Square, Rectangle, Cube, and Triangle
                                                      Oliver Balay
                                                      Relations between the GDR and FRG (under Honecker 1971-89)
                                                      Eva Clifton
                                                      Squares and square roots (up to 30)
                                                      Amna Khan
                                                      Math 9: Perfect squares and their square roots (up to 30)
                                                      Amna Khan
                                                      A R E A
                                                      Libby Edwards
                                                      Important formulae
                                                      pramila bisht
                                                      Buss 1989; Findings & Conclusions
                                                      Buss 1989; Procedures