Self actualization Theory


educacion Mind Map on Self actualization Theory, created by Estefania Valdez on 16/10/2022.
Estefania Valdez
Mind Map by Estefania Valdez, updated more than 1 year ago
Estefania Valdez
Created by Estefania Valdez almost 2 years ago

Resource summary

Self actualization Theory
    1. was born in 08 january of 1902
      1. he was psychologist
        1. believed that individuals could grow
          1. he had a belief similar to that of Abraham Maslow
            1. How?
              1. transparent environment
                1. authenticity
                  1. accenptance
                    1. emphaty
                2. Personality Theory
                  1. characteristic of self-realized person
                    1. open to experience
                      1. existential living
                        1. trust feelings
                          1. fulfilled life
                            1. creativity
                            2. self-concept
                              1. self worth
                                1. self image
                                  1. ideal self
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