Passion Week


11th grade Bible Mind Map on Passion Week, created by Sierra Carnes on 10/04/2023.
Sierra Carnes
Mind Map by Sierra Carnes, updated more than 1 year ago
Sierra Carnes
Created by Sierra Carnes almost 2 years ago

Resource summary

Passion Week


  1. Maundy Thursday
    1. Passover
      1. Institution of the new commandment: Love each other as Christ loves.
        1. Prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane
        2. Saturday
          1. Sabath
            1. Rest
              1. Jesus dead in the tomb.
              2. Palm Sunday
                1. Triumphal Entry
                  1. Entered Jerusalem on a donkey
                    1. People spread palm branches and cloaks
                      1. Declaring Hosanna, Hosanna, Blessed is He who comes in the name of the LORD.
                    2. Wept over unrepentant Jerusalem and its coming destruction
                    3. Easter
                      1. Women returned to the tomb to finish burial rituals
                        1. Tomb is empty
                          1. Jesus is alive
                            1. They ran to tell the others
                      2. Good Friday
                        1. Trial of Jesus
                          1. Sanhedrin
                            1. Pilot
                              1. Herod
                                1. Condemned
                                2. Crucifixion
                                  1. Buried in the Tomb of Joseph of Arimathea
                                    1. Flogging
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