ECOSYSTEMS by Abdullah and Shayhan
bug and it's a nature protecter as it preys on pesky
and plant eating aphids. These creatures can eat up to
50 aphids in 1 day! Though it's preyed on by racoons,
frogs, squirrels, carp etc.
RACCOON ( PROCYON IOTOR ) This is a raccoon and these
mammals animals are nocturnal which gives them
advantages to catch more pray. These mammals are very
clever as their I.Q is higher than cats and a little smaller than
monkeys. Their ability to retrieve many objects with
opposable thumbs, attack and defend in many scenario plus
they can rotate theirheads just like us humans to climb
ojects. The raccoons eat fish: Carp, Heron, frogs, crayfish,
mollusks etc.
SNAIL (MOLLUSC ). This animal is an
invertebrates and so, like all invertebrates the
slug out of the shell has a nerve net due to
their loss of brain and lack of spinal
vertebrae. All 100,000 have been divided into
8 groups. The snail presented here is a
Gastropod. Mollusks (including snails) eat
mushrooms, fungi and algae.
COMMON CARP (CYPRINOS CARPIO) The fish presented above is a common carp. The
carp eats corn, minnows, worms, rolled dough and crayfish. This animal may weigh
from 2 kilograms - 14 kilograms and they live for a long 47 approx. 50 years in water.
Carps live in freshwater. Common carps are mostly found in the south of Ontario:
St.Lawrence river, Lake Ontario etc. Carp are differentiated into 9 major species:
Silver, Common, Grass, Big head, Crucian, Catla, Mrigal, Black and Mud carp. Though
the carps are invasive as they destroy diversity: breaking roots of plants, eating other
fish species eggs and algae which many invertebrates survive on.
These are the claws of the crayfish which is a
crustacean which lives in freshwater bodies.The
crayfish is also an invertebrate like the snail and is an
exoskeletal crustacean. Like roaches, crayfish have
antennaes to help them feel, taste, smell etc. Crayfish
are usually 7.5 centimeters though, some crayfish:
Tasmanian crayfish can reach up to 40 centimeters
and weigh 8 pounds/ 3.5 kilograms. Crayfsh eat snails,
algae and plankton. Cray fish are preyed on by carp
This is a look a like of the Angel
mushroom (Amanita Varose). This
mushroom is extremely poisonously deadly
to humans due, to it's toxins. There are 3
types of these deadly mushrooms:
Amanita versa, biosporigera and basida.
These mushroom usually make a symbiotic
relationship with trees to receive nutrients.
This is a black squirrel (Sciuridae).
These rodent live from upto 15-18
and their adult aaverage height is 18
centimeters. They usually weigh
2.8-3.3 kilograms. These rodents eat
ladybugs, Staghorn sumacs, acorns,
nuts etc.