The Behaviourist Approach


Chapter 4: Approaches in Psychology (Page 106-107)
Dominique Fernan
Mind Map by Dominique Fernan, updated more than 1 year ago
Dominique Fernan
Created by Dominique Fernan about 9 years ago

Resource summary

The Behaviourist Approach
  1. Assumptions
    1. Only interested in studying behaviour that can be observed and measured
      1. John Watson rejected introspection
        1. Used lab experiments to maintain control
          1. Behaviourists identify 2 important forms of learning: classical and operant conditioning
          2. Classical Conditioning
            1. Classical conditioning is learning through assossiation
              1. Operant Conditioning
                1. Skinner suggested that learning is active process
                  1. There are 3 types of consequences of behavior
                    1. Positive Reinforcement: receiving a reward when a certain behavior is performed
                      1. Negative Reinforcement; occur when an individual avoids something unpleasant
                        1. Punishment: an unpleasant consequence for a certain behavior
                        2. Evaluation
                          1. Scientific credibility: focuses on measuring observable behavior within controlled lab settings
                            1. Real-life applications: basis of token economy system. Classical conditions can treat phobias
                              1. Mechanistic View on behavior: animals are seen as passive and machine-like responders to the enviroment
                                1. Environmental determinism: ignores any possible influence of free will
                                  1. Ethical and Practical issues: used animals therefore can't relate to humans. Unethical for skinners rts
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