First Team Kade Arino


First team
Kade Ariano
Mind Map by Kade Ariano, updated more than 1 year ago
Kade Ariano
Created by Kade Ariano about 9 years ago

Resource summary

First Team Kade Arino
  1. Tim Green
    1. Setting
      1. Place/location: The Flatlands of Calhoun Ohio
        1. Time: October, Football season
      2. Main Conflict
        1. Brock Wants to be the First Team QB but he
          1. has to deal with Coach Van Kuffler and his
            1. Nephew Wally the starting QB on first Team
        2. Theme
          1. 1. practice makes perfict
            1. 2. Things will not always go your
              1. way but try to do your best
            2. Characters
              1. Brock
                1. tall
                  1. Fat
                2. Laurel
                  1. pretty
                    1. Tall
                  2. Mac
                    1. Fat
                      1. Tall
                        1. Well Built
                    2. Dad
                      1. Small
                        1. Strong
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