Proposed Coaching Journey for 2016


Kuwait Energy's proposed 2016 Coaching Journey
Mind Map by tania.atallah, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by tania.atallah over 9 years ago
Copied by tania.atallah over 9 years ago
Copied by tania.atallah over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Proposed Coaching Journey for 2016
  1. Type of Coaching
    1. Transformational Coaching
      1. Linked to the Transformational Leadership Model (KE Mentorship programme)
    2. Objective
      1. Personal career growth
        1. Increases employee morale, promotes company loyalty
          1. Increases employee productivity & efficiency.
      2. Structure/Design with min. requirements
        1. Individual Coaching Sessions
          1. 4 sessions
          2. Group Coaching Sessions
            1. 4 sessions
            2. Meeting shadowing
              1. 2 sessions
              2. Coaching Thought Series
                1. 6 series
                2. CARE project involvement
                  1. 1 final project
                    1. We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give!
                      1. Evaluate the winning team
                        1. Merit panel
                          1. Project that ensures independent sustainability
                            1. Help people help themselves
                              1. Location- one of KE operations
                  2. Group Coaching Therapy sessions
                    1. 3 sessions
                      1. Stress Management
                        1. Team work development
                      2. Coaching reading club
                        1. 3 meetings
                      3. Duration
                        1. 7 months
                          1. April-November, 2016
                        2. Rewards
                          1. Progression of 2 boxes on the grading structure
                            1. upon successful completion of all requirements
                            2. Promotion on the grading structure
                              1. If winning the prize
                                1. Minimum requirements with 1st prize of CARE project!
                              2. Training
                                1. Training for Personal growth
                                  1. Focused on team training
                                    1. Close skill gaps
                                      1. Coachee Options
                                        1. Job journey
                                          1. Hipo programme
                                      2. Option for Coaches
                                        1. Elite Leadership & Coaching Traiing
                                          1. Transformational coaching method
                                    2. Selection
                                      1. Coaches
                                        1. Voluntary basis
                                        2. Coachees
                                          1. Voluntary basis
                                        3. Mapping teams
                                          1. Cross-departmentally
                                            1. Hierarchy structure
                                              1. Coachee selection of 3 choices
                                                1. based on requirements (departmental & hierarcy structure, no bond ties) with final selection on the judgment of the P & T unit
                                                2. No previous bond ties
                                                3. Golden rules of Coaching
                                                  1. Confidentiality, trust & honesty
                                                    1. No judgement
                                                      1. Guidance, not solutions
                                                        1. Clarity on goals
                                                          1. Sessions open to all discussion
                                                          2. Coaching model/guidance during sessions
                                                            1. GROW model
                                                              1. GOAL
                                                                1. Reality
                                                                  1. Options
                                                                    1. Way forard
                                                                    2. Topics for discussion
                                                                      1. Purpose
                                                                        1. Hidden talents
                                                                          1. Career aspirations
                                                                            1. Personal aspirations
                                                                              1. Obstacles in the work environmnt
                                                                                1. Happiness at work
                                                                                  1. Training gpas
                                                                                2. Options
                                                                                  1. Website
                                                                                  2. Values in Coaching
                                                                                    1. CARE values
                                                                                    Show full summary Hide full summary


                                                                                    Motor Learning and Coaching.
                                                                                    JoseFINE Capolingua
                                                                                    1_2016 Proposed Coaching Journey
                                                                                    1.1.2 Sports Participation Pyramid
                                                                                    Elliott Jennings
                                                                                    Development, Coaching and Mentoring: Bullets 1-4 (provided by Stephanie Nahavandi)
                                                                                    Lydia Elliott, Ed.D
                                                                                    A4: 7 Underlying Principles of Coaching
                                                                                    UNIT 3 CRUCIAL COACHING SKILLS
                                                                                    UNIT 4: CORE COACHING MODELS
                                                                                    UNIT 5.THE COACHING RELATIONSHIP
                                                                                    ACE Health Coach Ch 13: A Realistic Approach to Goal-Setting
                                                                                    Crystal Hoon
                                                                                    Tipos de coaching
                                                                                    César Díaz Godínez