Operating System Windows IOS


operating system
Bruno Baker Unkn
Mind Map by Bruno Baker Unkn, updated more than 1 year ago
Bruno Baker Unkn
Created by Bruno Baker Unkn over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Operating System Windows IOS
  1. Booting the computer : Restarting a computer or its operating system software it is of two types : Cold booting when the computer has started after being switched off. Warm booting : when the operating system alone has restarted
    1. Provides a user interface : In which a person controls a software application or hardware device
      1. File management : the system that an operating system or program used to organized and keep track of files
        1. The handles system is a technology for assigning, managing and resolving persistent identifiers for digital objects and other resources on the interenet.
          1. Performing basic things on a computer
            1. What would happen if a computer did not have an operating system? computer would not exist, and would not be able to handle data
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