Methods of Monitoring


Mind Map by robinsonharry, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by robinsonharry about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Methods of Monitoring
  1. Feedback
    1. Notational Analysis e.g defenders beaten per game vs attempts
      1. Objective
      2. Extrinsic
        1. Coach
          1. Subjective and Objective views
          2. Intrinsic
            1. Exteroceptive
              1. Observing myself that I have beaten a defender
              2. Proprioceptive
                1. Feeling the movement of a side step as one of a positive outcome
              3. GPS System
                1. Used to give me specific data of how many metres over the gain line I have made as a result of the defenders I have beaten
              4. Video Anaylsis
                1. Being able to analysis my movement when attempting to beat a defender to see whether or not I am in a strong body position in order to manipulate the defender
                  1. Being able to count how many defenders I have beaten and how many offloads I made
                  2. Peer Assessment
                    1. Questionaires
                      1. Feedback after game to rate my performance of my evasion skills
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