a specific, shared information for both the speaker and the listener
First mentioned
I ordered a steak and a salad for lunch. The steak was great but the salad was awful.
A dog was hit by a car near my apartment. The poor creature howled in pain.
similar words, phrases
Visual context
Watch out! Don't shake the table. You'll spill the milk. Okay mum, could you please pass the rice?
General knowledge
I went to an unusual wedding. The bride and groom wore jogging clothes.
The listener knows that a wedding has a bride and groom.
Shared information
A & B work in the same place.
A: Do you think the secretaries make enough money?
B: Yes, I think they do.
Familiar nouns
Refers to a place where the speaker habitually goes to.
When you go to the store, could you buy some milk?
Unique nouns
The Earth rotates around the sun once every 365 days.
Please look at the top of this page.
Noun modifiers
The book that's on sale is on the counter.
The red book is mine.