Is feverfew effective in the treatment of recurring Migraines


Mind Map for SOCQ121 week 7
Mind Map by vonsrebniak, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by vonsrebniak about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Is feverfew effective in the treatment of recurring Migraines
  1. Feverfew
    1. tanacetum parthenium
      1. chrysanthemum parthenium
        1. plant
          1. tincture
            1. tablet
              1. liquid extract
                1. dried leaves
                  1. fresh
                2. migraine
                  1. megrim
                    1. hemicrania
                      1. sick headache
                      2. treatment
                        1. herbal medicine
                          1. feverfew
                          2. pharmaceutical drugs
                            1. aspirin
                              1. nurofen
                              2. how fast is the relief?
                              3. why do migraines recur?
                                1. genetics
                                  1. diet
                                    1. dna
                                      1. lifestyle
                                        1. occupation
                                        2. testing it's efficacy
                                          1. randomised control trials
                                            1. patient feedback
                                              1. traditional evidence?
                                              2. who is affected
                                                1. children
                                                  1. adults
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