Contribution to environmental
protection and poverty reduction.
Legally protection of environment.
Supporting economic and political
force for conservation.
Investing in green tourism can
reduce carbon emission, enhance the
value of biodiversity, ecosystems and
cultural heritage.
Soil erosion, increased air, soil and marine pollution,
natural habitat loss, pressure on endangered
species, forest fires. Strain on fresh water resources,
CO2 emissions related to air transport.
Rural areas
Wildlife disruption.
Noise pollution.
Mobility of deseases, pests, weeds.
Biodiversity loss.
Traffic jams and related air pollution.
Complexity of waste management, side effects.
+ Economic impact -
Support local economy, create new
jobs and reduce poverty.
Human resources development.
Support local economy and poverty reduction.
Investments in green tourism are able to reduce costs of
energy, water, other resources. Fuel efficient
transportation. Paperless offices.
Tourism related transport can interfere local
transportation system and internal business
processes (ex - delivery of goods).
Rural areas abandonment.
Traffic jams.
Prices increasing for tourism related
products and services.
High costs of operating with green
technologies can create "outsiders"
(small businesses).