outline and assess cultural expectations of social class diferences in educational achievement


sociology mind map
Mind Map by bishophannah29, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by bishophannah29 about 9 years ago

Resource summary

outline and assess cultural expectations of social class diferences in educational achievement
  1. Marxism
    1. class conflict is the root of society
      1. meritocrazy is a myth and education is an agency of social control in a capitalist society.
        1. Bowles and Gintis: Next generation of workers, teacher/pupil relationships. working class are the pupils and middle class are the teachers.
          1. middle class get better jobs then working class
          2. Bourdieu: Class system is reproduced through school.
            1. Educational inequality is systematic and filters working class pupils into working class jobs and middle class into professions. This is due to cultural capital
          3. Functionalism
            1. Education is the main agency of of secondary socialisation into value consensus
              1. Davis and Moore: Education is about equal opportunities, School sorts and sifts individuals into jobs according to their ability. The most able and talented have the most important jobs.
              2. Feminism
                1. Gender inequalities are at the root of society, education reproduces patriarchal power.
                  1. Gendered subject choices. boys - science, girls - humanities
                    1. Teachers favour boys in the classroom because boys command more attention.
                    2. Interactionism
                      1. Micro perspective inside schools, running of school.
                        1. interaction of teachers and pupils in the classroom
                          1. Labelling can influence teachers expectations
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