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Music Video Convention
Mind Map by naomi.pierce, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by naomi.pierce about 9 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (0)

Resource summary

  1. Camera
    1. Shots - Music Videos use a wide variety of different shots, usually focused onto the artist or location.
      1. Close Ups and Extreme Close Ups - Used to reflect the song and to portray the artist.
        1. Long Shots - Used to focus on the artist while showing the location and setting and make it enjoyable to watch.
          1. Mid Shots - Creates emphasis onto the artist
          2. Movement
            1. Follows the artist to create emphasis on them, tracking shots, pans and cranes are common conventions.
          3. Editing
            1. Jump Cuts - This is the most common transition, it allows a quick and easy movement into the next shot.
              1. Fade - This is commonly used to add variety into the editing and make the shots flow better.
              2. Mise-en-scene
                1. Costume - Usually representative of the genre or the artist's style and motif.
                  1. Props - Display the genre, style and can contribute to the theme of the video.
                    1. Make Up - Usually quite bold and distinctive however can be natural depending on the genre and style.
                      1. Setting - Shows genre
                      2. Dance Video
                        1. Bright Colours - Creates a positive mood and establishes a fun atmosphere
                          1. Usually a dance element with young actors
                            1. Close Ups and Long Shots
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