A Level Art & Design Ideas


Mind Map on A Level Art & Design Ideas, created by Elliot Welsh on 04/12/2015.
Elliot Welsh
Mind Map by Elliot Welsh, updated more than 1 year ago
Elliot Welsh
Created by Elliot Welsh about 9 years ago

Resource summary

A Level Art & Design Ideas
  1. Landscapes
    1. City
      1. Alive
        1. Light at Night
          1. Expressive
            1. Vast
            2. Countryside
              1. Vast
                1. Secluded
                  1. Peaceful
                    1. Natural
                    2. Ocean/Coast
                      1. Motion
                        1. Sand
                          1. Horizon
                            1. Unique
                          2. Graphic Design
                            1. Character Design
                              1. Theme
                                1. Clothing
                                  1. Background
                                    1. Race
                                      1. Class
                                        1. Gender
                                          1. Equipment
                                          2. Concept Art
                                            1. Landscapes
                                              1. Futurism/Sci-Fi
                                                1. Fantasy
                                                  1. Steampunk
                                                    1. Imaginative Realms
                                                      1. Modern Society
                                                    2. Logos
                                                      1. Imagination
                                                        1. Inspiration
                                                          1. Design
                                                            1. Colour
                                                          2. Anatomy
                                                            1. Skeleton
                                                              1. Flesh/Muscle
                                                                1. Skin
                                                                  1. Structure
                                                                    1. Form
                                                                    2. Portraiture
                                                                      1. Realism
                                                                        1. Abstract
                                                                          1. One-line/Flowing
                                                                            1. Acetate
                                                                              1. Print
                                                                                1. Easel drawing
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