Know the main synthetic routes and reactivity for furans, pyrroles and thiophenes thiophenes


Heterocyclic and Pericyclic Chemistry Mind Map on Know the main synthetic routes and reactivity for furans, pyrroles and thiophenes thiophenes, created by al44 on 05/12/2013.
Mind Map by al44, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by al44 about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Know the main synthetic routes and reactivity for furans, pyrroles and thiophenes thiophenes
  1. Furans
    1. Synthesis
      1. Dehydrated 1,4 carbonyl compounds
        1. Carbonyls protonated
          1. Alcohol reacts with =O+H and a five membered ring forms with one alcohol group
            1. Loss of water, carbonyl acidified at beginning
      2. Source
        1. Carbohydrate waste
          1. Ribose/furanose structures
            1. furfural
              1. furan
        2. Reactivity
          1. Nitration
            1. Nitric acid and sulphuric acid
              1. polymeric resin
              2. Acetyl nitrate
                1. NO2 and AcO attached to 2 and 5 positions
                  1. OAc group lost when reacted with pyridine
              3. Bromination
                1. Br2, RT
                  1. Polybromination
                  2. Br2, dioxane
                    1. Br at 2 position
                    2. Br2, EtOH, -40oC
                      1. OEt at 2 and 5 position
                        1. Mechanism
                          1. monobromine sub
                            1. EtOH reacts at double bond adjacent to positive O atom
                              1. Loss of bromine atom
                                1. Addition of another EtOH group
                    3. Diels-Alder
                  3. Pyrroles
                    1. Synthesis
                      1. Paul Knorr
                        1. 1,4 dicarbonyl and amine
                          1. Mechanism
                            1. Addition of amine to C=O and protonation of C=O
                              1. Loss of water
                                1. Movement of double bond
                                  1. Ring closing
                                    1. Loss of water
                        2. Hantzsch
                          1. 1,4 dicarbonyl, haloketone and amine
                            1. Loss of water and HCl
                        3. Reactivity
                          1. Electrophilic substitution
                            1. v. reactive
                              1. 2, 3 posititons
                                1. Tetrabromination
                                2. Acid sensitive
                                  1. v. weak base
                                    1. lone pair on N used in 6 pi system
                                    2. Deprotection with base
                                      1. Can be alkylated at C or N
                                        1. Use alkyl halide
                                      2. Diels-Alder
                                        1. Needs N-EWG and highly reactive dienophile
                                    3. Thiophene
                                      1. Synthesis
                                        1. 1,4 dicarbonyl, P2S5, 170oC
                                          1. 1,3-diyne and metal sulphide, NaSH, EtOH
                                          2. Reactivity
                                            1. Electrophilic aromatic substitution
                                              1. Most aromatic of 3
                                              2. Not acid sensitive
                                                1. No diels alder
                                                  1. Friedel Crafts
                                                    1. Bromination at 2 position
                                                      1. Desulfurisation
                                                        1. Dehydrogenation carbon skeleton
                                                          1. Raney Nickel catalyst
                                                            1. Al/Ni alloy dissolved in aq. NaOH
                                                              1. Leaves sponge of fine particles with H2 absorbed
                                                      Show full summary Hide full summary


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