Prince played nearly
all the instruments on
his first five albums,
and has produced
himself since signing
with Warner Bros. at
age 21.
Prince started playing
piano at age seven,
guitar at 13, and drums
at 14, all self-taught. At
14 he was in a band
called Grand Central,
which later became
Prince released his
first album, For You,
in April, 1978, to
minimal fanfare.
"Soft and Wet”
introduced his erotic
approach, while "I
Wanna Be Your
Lover” and "Why You
Wanna Treat Me So
Bad?” from
subsequent album
Prince suggested his
musical range and
significantly upped
his profile.
Dirty Mind — a loose
concept album including
songs such as "Head,"
about oral sex, and
"Sister," about incest —
established Prince's
libidinous image once
and for all.
Prince was seen as a sex
symbol and his music
added to this perception
we have of him. He
would dress and dance
provocatively on stage
when he performed
which excited his fans,
especially the female
Prince often wore
clothes including
feminine colors
and styles as well
as wearing heels.
By performing in
over sexualized
manners, he
portrays himself as
rebellious, going
against the social
conventions in
place at the height
of his popularity.
Prince also refrains
from making regular
public appearances and
is quite private in the
fact that his music is not
available on the internet
without purchase. He
values his privacy and
does not get involved in
interviews often.
Prince represents himself as
an outgoing icon. He created
music which was unheard of
at the height of his
popularity and was the
purpose behind the 'Parental
Advisory' music label. He
molded his fame around the
fact that he was different.
In interviews, Prince
appears to be slightly
uncomfortable and
somewhat nervous. This
could either be due to the
fact that he is not used to
participating in interviews
or that he simply does not
like discussing his private
Prince also represents
himself in quite a
feminine and
controversial way. He
changes his style about
often but mostly sticks
with a camp, feminine
look; a trait which makes
him stand out.