1. We can observe that things in
world= in process of motion
2. Everything in motion is
changing from a potential state to
an actual state
3. The same thing can't be at the
same time potentially & actually the
same thing
4. E.g. If something's hot, it cannot be
potentially hot, but it can be
potentially cold
5. So, everything in state of
motion must be put into this
state by another thing
6. But chain of movers 'cannot go
on to infinity, because then there
would be no 1st mover, &,
consequently, no other mover'- Aq
in ST
7. Conclusion: 'It is necessary to arrive
at a first mover, put in motion by no
other; and this everyone understands
to be God'- Aq ST
Way 2:
1. Nothing is an efficient
(necessary) cause of itself
2. Efficient causes follow in order: a
1st cause causes a 2nd cause, a
second a third, etc
3. X possible for efficient causes
to go back infinitely, because if
there's not 1st cause, there
won't be any following causes
4. Conclusion: 'It is necessary to admit
a first efficient cause to which everyone
gives the name of God'- Aq ST
CAN'T be infinite regress; must
be cause- Aristotle= unmoved
mover; Aq= God
Infinite Regresssion
IR= chain of events that goes backwards forever
e.g. dominoes; one causes the next to fall
Every domino=
potentially the cause of
the fall of the next
To explain a chain of events, need an actual
cause that's a PURE act, not potential, because if
the cause of everything= only potential, then it
needs to be acted on to achieve its potential
Difference between winding up watch at night, and writing on a piece of
paper: the writing activity stops if you stop writing, whereas the watch
continues on its own once wound up.
Copleston claims Aq is making argument more like the
writing, and didn't mean like the watch in his ways 1 & 2
Is Aq correct in saying you
can't have infinite regression
of causes?
1. In maths; If infinite regressions= possible in reality, then there
could be an infinite series of causes & effects which had no
beginning, thought it would be questions- equally, if God is
proposed as the explanation for why there's something not
something, a person supporting I.R. could ask who caused
2. Criticisms of Aq's arg that if every
contingent things at one time didn't exist,
nothing would come to exist- but,
philosophers say, its possible for all contingent
things at diff points in time to X exist & later
exist, but this X mean at some time nothing
David Hume
Questioned the idea that every event has a
cause- humans may assume it, but we can't prove
Bus e.g.
We may make mistaken
assumptions about cause
and effect; its a human
habit; we take for granted
because that's the way we
see things
If there's an explanation for every
event in a series, its not necessary to
ask what caused the whole series
We expect future experiences to
conform to past experiences; enforces
belief in A causes B
This undermines ways 1 & 2
In way 2, Aq states: 'In the world
of sense we find that there's an
order of efficient cause
The Fallacy of Composition
Is it necessary for the whole universe to have a cause
just because everything within the universe could be
explained by reference to a preceding cause?
To Hume, X reason why God should
be the first cause; the 1st cause could
just be the universe itself
Fits in with idea of world evolving from primordial matter
& so effectively actualizes itself, thus possible to come into
being w/o cause, or had always existed & had not beginning
Bertrand Russell: "Obviously
the human race hasn't a
mother, that's a different
logical sphere" ('Why I'm Not a
You can't deduce universe has a cause
just because you can identify the cause
of contingent things within the universe
Is he right?
Yes, we can't demonstrate that
every effect is caused, believing that
effects are caused is a reasonable
working approach to everyday life
Elizabeth Anscombe
('"Whatever has a beginning
of existence must have a
cause": Hume's Argument
Exposed')- points out you
could conclude 'existence
must have a cause' w/o
believing/ knowing that 'such
particular effects must have a
Even if you can imagine
something coming into
existence w/o a cause, this X tell
you anything at all about what's
possible in reality
Reality & Speculation
Reality= our experience of the universe;
speculation= thinking of logical
possibilities regarding issues
Is discussion of possibility of infinite regression
logical speculation, or does it relate to reality?
Analysis of Aq's 1st & 2nd ways
God existed once, but X exist now?
God= sustaining cause of universe?
1st & 2nd rely on contradiction- he says everything
must have a cause, then says something must exist
that is the cause of itself?
If there wasn't an exception to
this general rule, then the
universe would have no cause?
Similar to Anselm's reply to Gaunilo, that
God is that God is a being who must exist
Can be countered by
saying the universe
needs no
explanation; it just is
Infinite regress= possible?
BUT Mackie= agrees w/ Aq, using analogy of a train- can be an infinite no. of carriages, but it
only makes sense if there's a railway engine (but not very useful argument because he
questioned if Aq's 3 ways good be related to his analogy)
If yes, then do we need a prime mover?
They X work if we aren't
satisfied with the idea of God as
a being who requires no further
Way 3:
Argument from contingency
1. Things which exist in nature at one time did not exist
and in the future won't exist; these things at any time
may/may not exist (contingent existence)
2. If everything at one time didn't exist,
there would have been nothing in
existence, there would have been
nothing in existence
3. If point 2= true, then there would be nothing in
existence, because there would be nothing to bring
anything into existence
4. Interim conclusion: 'there must exist
something the existence of which is
necessary' (Aq, ST)
5. But every necessary thing either has its
necessity caused by another or not
6. An infinite regression of necessary
things is impossible, as shown in Way 2.
7. Final conclusion: There
exists 'some being having of
itself its own necessity...
causing in other their
necessity. This all men speak
of as God' (Aq, ST)
Contingent Existence
If everything exists contingently, its poss to have a time when nothing existed
If there was a time w/ no contingent beings
existing, none would come into existence, and
there would be no contingent beings around to
cause them
Must be a necessary being that can't fail to exist
Links w/ ways 1 & 2
Links with the rejection of infinite regresssion
Concept of necessary being fits w/ Copleston's interpretation of the first 2 ways
Copleston: world = sum of all objects; none of the objects contain within self the reason for their own existence; everything
object depends on another for existence; if everything in world requires something else to exist, the cause of the entire
universe must be external to the universe, w/ self explanatory existence- 'ontologically necessary being'
Kant rejected 3rd way for same reason he rejected concept of necessary existence w/ respect to the ontological argument
But Onto & Cosmo= fundamentally diff;
Comso= a posteriori! Starts from idea that
universe exists, and then WHY; Onto=
starts w/ God's existence
Mackie: Aq assumes that anything that X have a predicate/'essence' of existence requires existence of ness. being-
God. M questions why we should accept this assumption; could equally argue there's a permanent stock of matter
whose essence didn't involve existence from anything else' ('The Miracle of Theism')
Aq X reason why God should be the ness being
But, Aq believed that the existence of contingent beings would ultimately necessitate a being which must exist for all of the contingent beings to
exist. BUT, this means the criticism of the idea of a logically necessary being from the ontological argument applies to Aq's arg
Michael Palmer suggests what my be meant is a 'factual necessity'- God exists independently of everything else, which is diff. from idea of
log. ness, so avoids this weakness
What do ways 1,2,3 show?
Aq: they demonstrate there's a 1st efficient cause & prime mover of the universe that is pure actuality not potentiality, w/ necessary existence; God
Aq's God= v diff to personal attributes often given to Christian God
A Christian philosopher H. McCabe, said: 'What I have been saying may seem to make God both remote and irrelevant. He's not part of the universe & he makes no difference to it'
The Russell-Copleston debate
'The Existence of God- a Debate' 1948
Copleston's argument
Reformulation of Aq's
1. There are thing in this world that are contingent- might not have existed (like us w/o our parents)
2. Everything in the world = like this- depends on something else for existence
3. Therefore there must be a cause of everything in the universe that exists outside of it
4. This cause must be a necessary being- one which contains the reason for its existence within itself
5. This necessary being is God
Russell's argument
Refused to accept idea of a necessary being as one that cannot be thought not to exist, & concluded that the regress of casual events didn't lead to the existence of everything in the universe
"What I am saying is that the concept of cause is not applicable to the total"
Just because each human has a mother doesn't mean the entire human race has a mother
The universe is a brute fact; its existence X demand an explanation
"I should say that the universe is just there, and that's all"
Argument for cause of universe has little meaning/ significance, a 'question that has no meaning'- "Shall we pass on to some other issue?"
Copleston's response: "If one refused to sit at the chess board and make a move, one cannot, of course, be checkmated"
p. 112-113= important
Summary: C put forward defence of Cosmo arg, centred on reformulation of Aq's THIRD way R rejected his arguments & suggested the universe X explainable in the way that C wanted. At heart of debate= contingency & necessity, & what's sufficient reason for anything to exist
The principle of sufficient reason- comes from Leibniz (dev.'d a new version of the Cosmo arg). At heart= idea that explaining the truth of a fact/ existence of a thing, includes an explanation of why its like that and X different
"In virtue of which we hold that no fact could ever be true of or existence, nor statement correct, unless there were sufficient reason why it was thus and not otherwise" -Leibniz