Crisis 1918 - 1923


Mind Map by willkillmadman, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by willkillmadman over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Crisis 1918 - 1923
  1. Topic card 1: Treaty of Versailles
    1. 1921 reparations figure set at £6600 million
      1. words
        1. November, Kaiser, Weimar Republic, big three, 1919, Clemanso, Reparations, War Guilty, Stabbed In The Back, November Criminals
        2. June 1919: treaty of Versailles signed
          1. Kaiser abdicated: Germany run by Weimar Republic
            1. November 1918: First World War ends
              1. November Criminals
              2. Topic Card 3: The Munich Putsch
                1. Words
                  1. November, 3000, Munich, Kahr, Ludendorff, 16, Treason, Publicity, 9, Mein Kampf, legal
                  2. Ludendorff didn't get punished
                    1. 8th of November Hitler and his party planned a putsch
                      1. Ludendorff helped Hitler
                        1. Hitler placed on trail for treason
                          1. Judges sympathized and he only got 9 months in prison
                            1. Hitler Wrote "Mein Kampf"
                            2. Topic Card 2: Ruhr and hyper-inflation
                              1. 1923 January: French and Belgian troops invaded the Ruhr
                                1. Ruhr workers on strike
                                  1. Weimar government print more money and cause hyper-inflation
                                    1. Middle class lost all their life savings
                                    2. Words
                                      1. 1921, French, Belgian, Ruhr, Strike, Passive Resistance, hyper-inflation, Middle class, Strezmen, Renton Mark
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