Song By George Szirtes


AS English Literature, EDEXCEL, poems of the decade
Becca  Smith
Mind Map by Becca Smith, updated more than 1 year ago
Becca  Smith
Created by Becca Smith about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Song By George Szirtes
  1. The poem is dedicated to Helen Suzman who is a white south African liberal activist who campaigned against apartheid
    1. FIRST STANZA Italics are used to remind us of a songs chorus, there is a quadruple rhyme, which gives this stanza a flowing rhythm, 'nothing happening until something does' is a paradox that is repeated at the end
      1. SECOND STANZA, vivid imagery is used to depict the theme of collectiveness, a weight themed semantic field is beginning to form, there is also links to the authors message of bringing down something not yet known like a 'sinking ship', AA,BB rhyme scheme is used.
        1. THIRD STANZA,
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