Authentic assessment is a form of
assessment that requires students to apply
the knowledge that they've learned to
real-world tasks. Authentic assessment is
also known as performance assessment
and Alternative assessment
Authentic assessment has been proven to be a successful
form of assessment to use with EB/EL students. EL
students are not required to focus on academic language
and are instead allowed to apply their knowledge.
When using authentic assessment, teachers are easily
able to monitor the progress of their EB/EL students.
Examples of authentic assessments are: journals,
collaborative discussions, illustrating or writing their own
stories, etc.
Big Idea #2: Traditional Assessment
Traditional assessment is a form of
assessment that is based on multiple
choice answers, fill in the blanks,
true,-false, and matching.
Traditional assessment is not an accurate testing method to
determine the success of your EB/EL students. Too often,
EB/EL students get wrapped up in trying to distinguish the
meaning of the questions that they are unable to accurately
answer them.
Traditional assessments may be standardized or
teacher created.
Big Idea #3: Home-Language Surveys
Home language surveys are part of a school's
enrollment process. These surveys are given in a
parent's primary language. This survey tells educators
whether or not the student is exposed to English at
Once given, these surveys are then
evaluated to determine if the the student
needs to be assessed to determine his/her
English proficiency level.
The student is either
identified as non-language
minority or refer him/her for
language proficiency
assessment and academic
Big Idea #4: Portfolio Assessments
Portfolio assessment is a type of
performance based assessment.
Students are evaluated based on
what they produce in their classroom.
Portfolios are a collection of work
samples produced by the student.
Often used by classroom teachers to
assess ELLs, because is shows an
ELL's academic profession better
than a traditional paper/pencil based
Teachers need to ensure that when
implementing a portfolio assessment
program, the ELL portfolio should be
comprehensive, predetermined and
systematic, tailored, informative, and
Big Idea #5: High Stakes Testing
Tests used to make important decisions about
students. These decisions include whether or not
students should be promoted, allowed to graduate, or
admitted to programs.
Used to measure whether or not a student has
mastered the content taught.
Accommodations should be made for
English language learners if:
their teachers have determined that the
English language proficiency is insufficient
for testing without accommodations
in addition to being second language
learners, have separate educational
needs (physical, psychiatric, or
related to learning disability).
Big Idea #6: Ongoing assessments
Provides continuous feedback on the
effectiveness of a teacher's instruction. Can be
planned assessments or informal class
Ongoing assessments allow teachers to see an
EL student's progress because they are able to
assess their performance, examine their work,
observe their oral language development, and
evaluate their progress.