(2) The key features of the "New deal" -
"Classic Welfare state"
A level British History (Conservatives, Churchill, Eden 1951-57) Mind Map on (2) The key features of the "New deal" -
"Classic Welfare state", created by Marcus Danvers on 12/12/2013.
(2) The key features of the "New deal" -
"Classic Welfare state"
Full employment
Without this, as Beveridge himself had warned the whole
linked enterprise would be unsustainable in terms of both
Consumption and the tax revence needed to finance the
extened state service and benefit
Social Security
The acceptance of a state responsibility to
provide for all citizens at time of unemployment,
disability or loss of income.
In other word the universality of
principle of a classic welfare state
Health Care
A National Health Service, tax
payers funded and free at the point
of delivery for all, irrespective of
personal wealth or lack of it
Free secondary schooling for all.
Scholarships for all deemed
capable, of a place in higher
An expanded and sustained provision of state built and
subsidized social housing both for reasons of social justic
and improve th emobility of the Labour force
Personal Social Servies
Gap-filling provisions to assist the special needs
of the very young, the very old, the physically and
mentally handicapped and "problem families"
Churchills responce to the New Deal
Churchill were essentially
practical politics rather than
theroist or integations
Churchill had a number of cherished
catch-phrases he liked to apply to the
concept of welfare and social insurance, as
social security Brings "The magic of average
earnings the rescue of millions"
Churchill was a member the liberal
party so has always been liberally
minded and a centralised
He also help to create the liberal reforms of
1906 as he says "it is 38 years since I introduced
the first unemployment Insurance scheme"