
My big ideas of authentic assessment I would like to use in my gym
Kristin Glenn
Mind Map by Kristin Glenn, updated more than 1 year ago
Kristin Glenn
Created by Kristin Glenn about 9 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (0)

Resource summary

  1. Solo and Collaborative Performances- Students working independently on a task then in a group to see if others have a different way of figuring out the task.
    1. Example - I do, We do, Ya,ll do
      1. Not - Working on bumping a volleyball by yourself
      2. Constructing Knowledge - The student will use hands on material in otder for them to understand the knowledge being taught. (legos, blocks, money, cards, pieces of noodle)
        1. Example - The student will skip correctly retrieving different objects around the gym
          1. Not - The student will skip around the gym.
          2. Higher Order Thinking - The student will be able to understand, show, and tell the correct steps of a task rather than just repeating what the teacher has taught.
            1. Example - Knowing and showing the eleven steps of shooting a bow correctly
              1. Not - reciting the eleven steps of shooting a bow
              2. Positive Interaction - The teacher will paoint out what the student is doing correctly more than what they student is doing incorrectly.
                1. Example - The student will show what they know about throwing a ball.
                  1. Not - The student will throw a ball using the right mechanics.
                  2. Student Selected Tasks - The student will be able to choose from several different tasks that they feel they will succeed in.
                    1. Example - letting students vote on the task/activity for the day
                      1. Not - The student will do the standard that is set for the day.
                      2. Meaningful/Real World Tasks - The student works to perform a task that will benefit them for the rest of their school days even further into adulthood.
                        1. Example - playing the game of basketball where dribbling is a very important task.
                          1. Not - The student will be able to dribble a basketball.
                          2. Encourages Transfer of Learning - Students learning to transfer knowledge they learned in one situation to another situation.
                            1. Example - Taking the knowledge the students learned when they were younger in a ball throwing unit to a baseball unit.
                              1. Not - Students not knowing how to throw an object when starting a baseball unit.
                              2. Allowing for Multiple Solutions - The students will be able to come up with their own solutions to a task.
                                1. Example - Allowing students to come up with a different dance technique to a popular dance song.
                                  1. Not - Students dancing to a popular dance song.
                                  2. Reflection/Self-Assessment - Allowing the student to reflect on what they have learned and what they would like to work on.
                                    1. Example - Having students score themselves on how they did on the subject taught.
                                      1. Not - The teacher telling the student what they don';t know based on just a test score standard.
                                      2. Emphasizing Problem Solving - Allowing students to figure out how to solve problems on their own like they will in real-life one day.
                                        1. Example - Students will be able to solve problems without the help of the teacher.
                                          1. Not - The teacher will tell the student how to solve the situation of problem
                                          2. Specific Purpose and Audience - The teacher will explain to the students why an activity or situatuion is important for them to know and learn.
                                            1. Example - The students participate in activities that help them understand the importance of physical fitness to help them have a healthy lifestyle.
                                              1. Not - Students participate in fitness activities but do not understand why or what the purpose of it is.
                                              2. Integration of Knowledge and skills - The process of the student's knowledge and skills learned over time coming together in order to solve a task or problem.
                                                1. Example - The student taking knowledge from prior expieriences and tasks and knowing how to solve it.
                                                  1. Not - The student now knowing how to solve a task that they have previously learned to solve..
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