Lambaian Kaabah


A brief overview of the topic
Aminah Salleh
Mind Map by Aminah Salleh, updated more than 1 year ago
Aminah Salleh
Created by Aminah Salleh almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Lambaian Kaabah
  1. Perbandingan haji dan umrah
    1. Haji
      1. Umrah
      2. Upah haji/Badal haji
        1. Sebab mengharuskan
          1. Syarat wakil haji
            1. Hikmah upah haji
            2. Hikmah ibadat haji
              1. Individu
                1. Masyarakat
                2. Syarat wajib haji
                  1. Berakal, Baligh
                    1. Islam, Merdeka
                      1. Berkemampuan
                      2. Rukun haji
                        1. Niat ihram
                          1. Tertib
                            1. Wukuf
                              1. Tawaf
                                1. Saie
                                  1. Bercukur
                                  2. Wajib haji
                                    1. Niat ihram di miqat
                                      1. Bermalam di Muzdalifah
                                        1. Bermalam di Mina
                                          1. Melontar jamrah Aqabah
                                            1. Melontar ketiga-tiga jamrah
                                              1. Jamrah Ula
                                                1. Jamrah Wusta
                                                  1. Jamrah Aqabah
                                                  2. Meninggalkan larangan ihram
                                                  3. Cara mengerjakan haji
                                                    1. Haji Ifrad
                                                      1. Haji Tamattuk
                                                        1. Haji Qiran
                                                        2. Dam
                                                          1. Hikmah
                                                            1. Jenis dam
                                                            2. Created by aminahsalleh
                                                              1. with goconqr
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