Catholic vs Puritan Threat


History AS (Crown, Parliament and Authority) (Elizabeth I) Mind Map on Catholic vs Puritan Threat, created by Katie Difford on 12/04/2013.
Katie Difford
Mind Map by Katie Difford, updated more than 1 year ago
Katie Difford
Created by Katie Difford almost 12 years ago

Resource summary

Catholic vs Puritan Threat
  1. Significant Catholic Threat
    1. 1569 - Catholic Rebellion
      1. Majority of population
        1. Assassination attempts; wanted to replace Elizabeth with Mary Stuart
          1. Pope took a stand against her
            1. Helping with the Dutch rebels, gave Spanish a reason to help
              1. Threats from Catholics abroard
              2. Under Control Catholic Threat
                1. Amarda success
                  1. Rebellion had little support
                    1. Protected by Phillip II
                      1. Pilgrimages banned
                      2. Under Control Puritan Threat
                        1. Death of influencials weakened cause
                          1. Moderates accepted the established church
                            1. Small
                              1. Did not want to overthrow government
                              2. Significant Puritan Threat
                                1. Sepratists wanted to disband the national church
                                  1. Presbytarians wanted a reform of the church
                                    1. Offered an alternative church order
                                      1. Marprelate tracts, gained support
                                      2. Questions I could use this in...
                                        1. Elizabeth was in control
                                          1. Elizabeth dealt with her problems well
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