Motivation and Leadership styles


Chapter 2 and 3 business
Mind Map by missiep, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by missiep almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Motivation and Leadership styles
  1. Motives = factors encouraging entrepreneurs to go into business and make particular decisions
    1. Non-profit motives = motives not linked to profit
      1. Profit = revenue - costs compensates for taking risks
        1. Examples
          1. self-fulfillment
            1. family business
              1. control
                1. over hours
                  1. over activities
                    1. over location
                    2. creativity
                      1. hobby
                    3. Ethical motive = doing what is right
                      1. benefits environment or society
                    4. Motivation = meeting needs of employees to encourage hard work and commitment so they work more efficiently
                      1. Leadership
                        1. Autocratic = no consultation when making decisions + little reasoning given as to why
                          1. Good: quick + effective with low skilled employees
                            1. Bad: de-motivating + segregating
                            2. Democratic = guide, not dictate + wide encouragement of decision making participation
                              1. Good: delegation is motivating + better when specialist skills are required
                                1. Bad: errors made if not skilled enough
                                2. Paternalistic = consult at every level with reasoning but make own final decisions
                                  1. Good: motivating + social needs met
                                    1. Bad: slower
                                  2. Theory X and Y
                                    1. Assumptions by management professor, Douglas McGregor who worked at top US uni's in 1950's
                                      1. Theory X = have little ambition, dislike work. Require incentives and punishment
                                        1. Theory Y = enthusiastic , enjoy responsibility, delegation, challenges and goals. Are self-motivated
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