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Fransis of Assisi
8 religion Mind Map on Fransis of Assisi, created by azaknic18 on 28/02/2016.
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Fransis of Assisi
Born 1182
Demonstrated leader qualities from a young age
He studied Latin, music, and wrote many poems and composed music.
He fort in the war aged 19 to earn respect from his city
He lost the war and was sent to prison for a year until his father payed him out
Gods spoke to Francis through visions while he was sick in prison, he told him to re- build the church
He furfilled Gods wishes and set out to repair of the churchesin his command
Son of Piero of Bernadone
He came from a very wealthy background of silk merchants
He used all his wealth and used it all to help bulid churches and feed and care for the poor
Italy, Assisi
Perugia was an enemy city of Assisi
He wanted to create peace
Died October 3, 1226
Francis' devotion to God was expressed through his love for all of God's creation.
This is thereasoning for pronouncing him a saint
He is now one of the most well known saint in todays society
St. Francis cared for the poor and sick, he preached sermons to animals, and praised all creatures as brothers and sisters under God
Pope Gregory IX pronounced St Francis a saint in 1228.
October 4th is the feast day of the great St. Francis of Assisi!
Symbols: birds/animals
Many Catholics bring in their pets in the church to bless them in memory of St fransis
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