CALLA Instructional Approaches


CALLA is an instructional model designed to meet the academic needs of ELLs i elementary and secondary schools.
Shona Fletcher
Mind Map by Shona Fletcher, updated more than 1 year ago
Shona Fletcher
Created by Shona Fletcher almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

CALLA Instructional Approaches
    1. Physical & Mental Procedures/ Reading & Writing
      1. The mind's storage system for how things are physical & mental
        1. ELLs need to learn procedures in content areas
          1. Teacher can provide extensive hands on & interactive experiences for ELLs
      1. PROCESS WRITING: writing involves thinking, reflection, & multiple revision
        1. Questioning, collaborative learning, Elaboration
          1. What can be said can be written down, what is written can be written down can be written
            1. Prior knowledge is a bridge to new ideas & concepts
            1. Things we can declare
              1. The mind's storage system for facts and information
                1. ELLs need content based curriculum that builds on prior knowledge & skills.
                  1. ELLs need a curriculum that assist them developing abilities to use English to solve problems and develop high-order concepts at appropriate grade & achievement level
              1. Dominant Approaches to L2 Instruction
                1. Grammatical Approach
                  1. Teacher-centered in providing L2 instruction
                    1. Drill & practice
                      1. Rote memorization
                        1. Dialogue memorization
                          1. Repetition
                            1. Mnemonics
                              1. Kinetics
                          2. Memorizing language rules & sentence patterns
                            1. More emphasis on reading, writing, & grammar development
                              1. Minimal use of L1
                              2. Behaviorism
                                1. Direct method
                                2. Cognitive Approach
                                  1. L2 instruction that is the product of efforts to examine and analyze the cognitive psychological side of learning,, language, instruction
                                    1. KWL chart
                                      1. Word Wall
                                        1. Outlines/ Graphic Organizers
                                          1. Questioning
                                          2. Language learners use language to communicate for a purpose
                                            1. CALLA method
                                              1. Cooperative learning
                                                1. Explicit LS instruction
                                                  1. MaximizingContent & language objectives
                                                  2. Cognitive - Psychological
                                                    1. Piaget
                                                    2. Communicative Approach
                                                      1. Research -and Theory - based Approach
                                                        1. Focus on learning language throughs & for communication
                                                          1. Connected to ICB & Sheltered Instruction
                                                            1. Visuals
                                                              1. Guarded Vocabulary
                                                                1. Cooperative Learning
                                                                  1. Hands on activities
                                                                  2. Big Books
                                                                    1. Manipulatives/ Realia
                                                                  3. Social Constructivism
                                                                    1. Vygotsky
                                                                      1. Student Centered
                                                                    2. Methodologies
                                                                      1. Integrated Content-Based Method (ICB)
                                                                        1. Collaborative Learning
                                                                          1. Communicative Approach
                                                                            1. Emphasizes L2 development
                                                                              1. Emphasize on content & language integration
                                                                              2. Listening, Speaking, Reading, & Writing
                                                                                1. Multiple Grouping
                                                                                  1. Graphic Organizer
                                                                                    1. Visual
                                                                                2. Sheltered Instruction
                                                                                  1. SIOP
                                                                                    1. SDAIE
                                                                                      1. Inquiry Approach
                                                                                        1. "Extracting meaning from experience
                                                                                        2. Communicative Approach
                                                                                          1. Cooperative Learning
                                                                                            1. Graphics/Realia, Illustrations, Visual
                                                                                              1. Guarded Vocabulary
                                                                                        3. Chamot, A.(2009). The CALLA Handbook:Implementing the Cognitive Academic Language Learning Approach
                                                                                          1. Herrera, S. & Murry K. (2016). Mastering ESL/ELL Methods:Differentiated Instruction forCulturally & Linguistically Diverse Students
                                                                                          2. Literacy Across the Curriculum: reading & writing in content areas
                                                                                            1. Standard-Based Instruction
                                                                                              1. Based on language & content objectives
                                                                                              2. Cognitive-Social Approach
                                                                                                1. Focus on higher order of thinking skills
                                                                                                  1. Content, Academic language development, & Learning strategies
                                                                                                    Show full summary Hide full summary


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