

documents bout the research paradigms
Mind Map by researchproject5, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by researchproject5 over 8 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Positivist
    1. The science is an only way to learn about the truth
      1. It is based on experience
        1. The objective obtained is considered authentic and factual
          1. The researcher is external and the research controller
    2. Post positivist
      1. Accepts that theories, background, knowledge and values of the researcher can influence what is observed.
        1. It emphasizes deductive logic
          1. Allows more interaction between researcher and research participants
            1. It is focused on social patterns and relationships
      2. Interpretive
        1. The predominant is practice
          1. It focuses on the differences
            1. Interpretative knowledge by prolongue interaction
              1. Uses ethnographic methods of informal interviewing
        2. Critical paradigm
          1. Tend to rely on dialogic methods, methods combining observation and interviewing
            1. Enables the researcher to practice deep democracy
              1. Challenge the mechanisms for order maintenance
                1. Focused on identifying, transforming socially injust structures, policies, beliefs and practices
          2. The post modern paradigm
            1. Brings the concept of representation to our attention
              1. The emergence of science and technology are carriers of development and progress
                1. Critical reflecting thinking
                  1. Alternative modes of reasoning
            2. Multi-paradigmatic
              1. Focused on the researcher real-life experience
                1. Research design by combining methods and quality standards from other paradigms
                  1. Are complementary approaches that expand the prospects for analysis of pre-existing paradigm
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