Skills needed to be a successful entrepreneur


Mind Map on Skills needed to be a successful entrepreneur, created by holly.verghese on 10/03/2016.
Mind Map by holly.verghese, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by holly.verghese about 9 years ago
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Resource summary

Skills needed to be a successful entrepreneur
  1. resiliency - the ability to weather the ups and downs of the business. this allows the entrepreneur to keep going when the outlook is bleak
    1. focus - entrepreneurs need to be able to focus on the business plan to make sure it follows through. They need to focus to achieve their next goal.
      1. invest for the long term - they need to focus on where the business will be in a few years time and not just where it is at this very moment. they need to be thinking about 10 years into the future and not just the next 2 years.
        1. being able to manage people in the correct way and being able to network and meet the right people.
          1. they must be able to be a good sales person they need to be able to understand when their customers want to buy and when they don't want to buy. They will need to sell their ideas, product and services.
            1. entrepreneurs will always need to be learning new things and they will always need to stay up to date with the latest technology,
              1. self reflection - they will need to think about their progress and their future. they will also need to reflect on their past to see what mistakes they made and how they can improve for their future.
                1. self reliance- they need to be resourceful and depend on themselves
                  1. they will need the ability to manage money, if they can't manage the money then the business won't be able to run, because they won't be able to keep track of their profits and their loses.
                    1. they will need the ability to raise their money, they will know when to invest and how. if they know how to invest correctly then they can make their business a lot of money. however they also need to be aware of the risks of investing as they could invest in something and then that business could fail and that could affect your business
                      1. entrepreneurs need to be active with the online world, such as social media as they may use it as a marketing strategy and they will need to have technological knowledge and be up to date with technology, in order to keep their business up and running
                        1. the need to be able to take a risk, because sometimes it can really strike the business and if you are to scared to take a risk then your business will miss out on opportunities
                          1. they need to be a good negotiator, because, you may need to solve conflict between people but in a positive manner
                            1. they need to have ethics so they can lead a happy team mixed with different types of people, al of which can help the business strive
                              1. they will need to have a lot of business knowledge, because in business meetings people will be using business terms and if you don't understand them then you won't understand what they are talking about and that could affect the business
                                1. they need to have at least a basic understanding of fincace and the terms, they will need to know about profit and loss, cash flow and funding
                                  1. an entrepreneur needs to be confident within their business, because if they are always doubting themselves then they are more liking to make mistakes which will then affect your business
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