Corresponds directly to a processor's instruction set
Written in English
Uses procedures, functions or sub-routines.
Visual Basic
Uses facts, rules and queries to interrogate the knowledge base
{"item": "bread", "type": "wheat"}
Uses classes
Formal - this refers to the variable name
used within the subroutine to hold the
data passed into it, for example, age.
Actual - this refers to the actual
data that is passed into the
subroutine, for example, 45.
Global - these
variables can be
used throughout a
program at any
point in the code
Local - the values stored in
these variables exist within
only one part of the code,
usually within a subroutine
Methods of Testing
Dry Run - reading the
code and predicting
what will happen
without actually
running the code.
Trace Table - lists the
variables in a program
and tracks the values
they store as the code is
executed store as the
code is executed.
Test Plan
Normal, Extreme, Exceptional
Beta Testing - final stage of
testing involving community
Software Development Methodologies
Rapid Application Development
Involves building prototypes
of parts of the software
Easier to test
Feedback early on
Agile Methodologies
Lack of emphasis on
design and documentation
Computer Misuse Act
Unauthorised access
of a computer
Unauthorised access of a computer
to commit further criminal offences
altering of
computer data
Copyright, Designs
and Patents Act
Protect time, money and effort
invested by content creators.
The Communications ACt
Use other people's Wi-Fi broadband
connections without permission
Offensive / upsetting
Unauthorised interception of
communications (e.g. phone hacking)
Regulation of Investigatory
Powers Act (RIPA)
Certain organisations can intercept data, access password protected data
and carry out surveillance for the purposes of crime prevention.
Protects individuals'
rights to privacy
The employers must notify
employees if they want to
intercept communications data
Processor Buses
Data Bus
Transfer data between main
memory and the processor.
Address Bus
Specify the address of
the memory location
Control Bus
Read - Reads the contents of a memory location
Write - Writes an item of data from the
processor into a memory location
Clock - sends a regular series of pulses
into the processor to synchronise events.
Reset - stop execution of current
program and then to reboot
Interrupt - peripheral devices, such as printers,
can send a signal on the interrupt line into the
processor when the require attention. This
causes the processor to deal with the
interrupting device.