Clampitt et al (2002) Strategies of communication.
Communication strategies (Clampitt et al
2000) (Klein 1996, Allen et al 2007)
Why, what, who, how and when
the communication of change can also be affected by the roles of
organisational members. Isolate vs Participants. It is important to take
accounts of those who occupy isolate roles. those who isolated are
more likely to be alienated than those who are in a position to
participate in change. Boundary spanner occupy a role that enables
them to transfer info from one party to another. Gatekeepers are those
in a position to interpret and screen information before transmitting it
to others. Change managers need to be aware of those who control the
flow of information that are important to them. Distortion can ocurr
because information is passed onto others by gatekeepers.
Pitt et al 2002 (think sweaty arm
pits ) argues that playmakers
are individuals who are
motivate to seek out opinions
from those who are closely
affected by the change and the
change agents.
Steps to developing a change communication
strategy. (1) Study the situation. (2) Identify the
key Issues. (4) Make a set of communication
goals that addresses the problems, (5) Think of
the best way to communicate the change.
See flip card for why its important to set communication goals
Top-down communication/
one way communication
(Quick but likely to result in
descreprances in
information passed down vs
Upwards communication/
two way communication
(Time consuming but
increases accuracy )
Allen et al (2007) argues that the top
down communication method does not
help in reducing uncertainty during
change process
See flip
cards for
Lateral communication (
when two workers on the
same level discuss ideas)
Brown and Eisenhardt
and other scholars (1997)
argue that intense and
open lateral
communication is
essential for continuous
Clampitt et al (2002)
Why, what are the issuers and who
is communicating with whom and
how are people getting the
information and when in the
process of change will the
information be communicated
Importance of communication in times of change (Kitchen
&Daly,2002) (Ford&Ford 1995) (Allen et al 2007)
How you communicate can affect the outcome of the change. A
common mistake made by managers is to only communicate
with individuals they deem important without communication to
all others affected by the change. This can generate negative
feelings that undermines the motivation for change
Difficulties in
implementing change
can be minimised if
leaders/ managers pay
more attenetion to
developing well thought
out communication
strategies (Kotter 1995)
See more about
Kotter thoughts on
OC in flip cards
Reducing uncertainty
(Allen et al 2007) (Hargie &
Tourish 2000)
Uncertainty can lead to resistance to change
Managers' disregard for their
employees' personal interest
when implementing change can
undermine their commitment
and their motivation to support
the management's change
Communication forges
the links between
what gets said and
what gets done
(Kitchen and Daly,
Process (sender(encodes),receiver(decodes) & communication
Different Channels of communication - face-face , written, verbal
Noise (what causes it
Lack of trust results in senders
being guarded in what part of
information they would share.
(O'Reilly and Pondy1979)
See page221 for an oversimplified model of the interview
page 222 model of
interraction between
change agents and
Communication Skills (- Talking Coherently - Upward Selling)
Dutton et al (2001)
Silence (Morrison and Milliken 2000)
Implications of silence
It can compromise decision making
and cause undesirable reactions
from employees. It deprives
decision makers the opportunity to
consider alternative perspective
and conflicting view points. Can
inhibit creativity and organisation
learning . It affects the ability of
managers to detect and correct the
causes of poor performance.
Environments that encorage silence may make employee
feel undervalued. Leads to low motivation, increases the
likelihood of resistance to change or employees acting in
destructive manners.
Argue that despite knowing the
importance of upward
communication, managers
may adopt attitudes and
behaviours that create a
climate of silence
Organisation silence occurs when (1)
Leaders fear negative feedback from
employee so avoid it, or dismiss it, (2)
Senior managers have the belief that
employees are untrustworthy or
...(3)Mangers belief they know best
and should not be questioned. (4)
Manager believe dissent is unhealthy
and should be avoided
Centralisation of decisions acts
as a barrier to upward
Types of
Implicit (the use of facial expressions, body
language, gestures, postures or vocal qualities
to help get a message across.) vs Explicit (
written, direct, clear and straightforward.
information. This gives little room for confusion
or interpretation.)
Implicit strategies ocurr
naturally (Clampitt et al,