2nd Cotton Gin


Mind Map
Abhishek S Hatle
Mind Map by Abhishek S Hatle, updated more than 1 year ago
Abhishek S Hatle
Created by Abhishek S Hatle over 8 years ago

Resource summary

2nd Cotton Gin
  1. History/Background
    1. Inventors
      1. The inventor of the Cotton Gin was Eli Whitney and he invented it in 1793 in the United States of America: in the Southern States
        1. Eli had asked the government for a patent in 1794 but did not receive that patent on the invention until 1807.
        2. Eli Whitney graduated from Yale University in 1792 and became a private tutor for the children of General Green. General Green had asked Eli to invent a machine that could clean the bolls more quickly and efficiently. Eli wanted to help but realized that he had to invent such a machine that he could apply to the federal government for a patent and make a really good profit with the process. Eli thought for some time and then put his mind to this task.
        3. Essential Questions
          1. What impact did the cotton gin have on the institution of slavery?
            1. What did the cotton gin do to the Southern economy?
              1. How did the cotton gin affect the global economy of the United States?
              2. Impact on Society
                1. The general effect of the Cotton Gin was that unskilled workers that were used for de-seeding cotton were unemployed and because of that it had created hardships for the workers and their families to earn money. The cotton gin had separated cotton 10 times faster than the worker could and also had brought prosperity(wealth and success to the Southern States. Also the cotton gin eventually led to the invention of textile mills.
                  1. It had impacted the economic society by revolutionizing the use of slaves meaning that more slaves were used for work on the fields instead of helping the workers de-seeding the cottons. The cotton production had also increased from 3,000 bales a year to 73,000 bales a year.
                    1. It had impacted the political economy because lot of cotton workers NOT slaves lost their jobs as lot of the work was done inside mechanically.
                      1. It had impacted the social economy because more fields and field workers(slaves) were needed. Also they needed larger workforce to get the cotton needed.
                      2. Important Details of Invention
                        1. The Cotton Gin is the name given to the machine that separated the fibers of cotton from the seeds.
                          1. The Cotton Gin produces de-seeded cotton that is cleaned, carded(fibers were aligned), spun and woven into fabric leaving a smooth piece of cotton fabric.
                            1. How the Cotton Gin Worked
                              1. 1. First the cotton bolls were put into the top of the machine across the roller.
                                1. 2. Then the handle turned the cotton through the wire teeth that combed out the seeds.
                                  1. 3. Finally the cotton was pulled out of the wire of the teeth and out of the cotton gin.
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