
Mind Map on SWOT, created by ryan.bartram on 20/01/2014.
Mind Map by ryan.bartram, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by ryan.bartram over 10 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Opportunities


    • What could you do to overcome weaknesses? What resources are available to you? What training would you like to do? What is changing around you? Who could help you?
    1. I could overcome my weaknesses by realising that not growing up will not help me or anyone in the slightest way possible, or that if this feeling i get when thinking of it is fear then sometimes it's best to face your fears and seek help from those who want to and are qualified to help me
      1. The reasources available to me are different studies for me to choose from so i can decide one of many different paths for a career, many different people, new and old, in my life are there to help me with any issues both personally and educationally
        1. The training I would like to do has not really been put together in my head... there are a few hobbies i enjoy that can be expanded into a career but right now i do not believe i am that good at them... yet :p
          1. The things changing around me are... everything. Everything is changing around me because i am at the age where that happens... and i'm not ready yet. However there are some positives too because some changes are actually ways i can be helped, instead of medication and joyful thoughts i actually have people who want to help me with my future
            1. Alot of different people could help me with my weaknesses such as councilers, friends, family, college so many different places have the help to offer and are willing to spend as much time as it takes to fix my weaknesses... so far i have so much to thank all of them for
            2. Strengths


              • What skills do you have? What qualifications do you have? What experience do you have? What dp you enjoy doing? What tasks do you do well? What do others say you do well? What do others say your strengths are? What are your best achievements?
              1. The skills i have are currently very limited, though the creativity inside my head is limitless. I often tend to be alone with my thoughts and they always escalate to heights that can solve all of my problems... or cause so many more so i am not sure if it is such a skill... but it is something i am very proud of
                1. The qualifications i have are: Maths GCSE Grade c, English GCSE Grade c, ICT OCR Level 2 Merit, Science Edexecel Level 2 BTEC- Pass, English Literature GCSE Grade D, Biology GCSE Grade C, D&T Food Technology GCSE Grade D, Religious Studies GCSE Grade D, Food safety in Catering City And Guilds- Pass and BTEC National Diploma ICT Level 3- Pass
                  1. The experience i have is not very good to be honest, i worked a day at a company called environcom and the smells that lingered there almost made me fall unconcious several times however i do have one piece of good history as a paperboy for five years so far... not very much but i like it
                    1. I enjoy sleep (who dosen't though) i enjoy creating stories because one of the methods i use to cope with everything around me is to create a fantasy setting in my head, anytrhing is possible there and there are no limitations. This is where all my stories are created, however only certain pieces are in my head and connecting the thoughts together can be alot tougher then i like to admit
                      1. The tasks I do well are those where i am told to write things that i already have a grasp of and mainly i am allowed to enter my own world again, this causes me to use as much detail as possible to complete the work... see this whole thing for example
                        1. Others say i do my own thing well... my family say that sometimes i am all alone because thats how i focus on any task in front of me, some say that i can take most situations in the lighter side of life and can find ways of doing them without having to over complicate and mess up the tasks
                          1. Others say my strengths are the determination i have to my stories, because it shows i have the capability for determination for other things. The unknown kindness i show to everyone precious to me... I would and always will prefer to tear myself down tremendously to help make someone feel better
                            1. My best achievement are currently pending however the thing i'm proud of most of all in my life is the fact that i managed to get myself out of depression that was seriously affecting my life horribly, honestly i wasn't myself during that time... i was not the person that everyone who knew me as... a nice guy that would drop everything to help someone who he could make any help for... also one of my stories i'm pretty proud of too :3
                            2. Weaknesses


                              • What do you find difficult? What could you do better? What do you need help with? What would other people say your weaknesses are? What tasks have you not achieved? What tasks do you not like doing?
                              1. I find alot of different things difficult such as talking with a group where i do not know anyone. My biggest difficulties however are self confidence, as i see myself as nothing at all, and... well i'm not sure what its called but i hate the idea of growing up... it's almost like a fear
                                1. I could do lots of things better but the main issue is i don't know how I can make these problems better. I have been told by several people that I can start thinking of myself better and not worry about what i'm saying in crowds
                                  1. I need help with my self confidence... or lack there of and i also need help with... whatever the term is for hating the idea of growing up
                                    1. Other people say my weaknesses are my lack of confidence and my self hatred, another thing though is my way of coping with different situations... i can often annoy or anger others with my methods of calming a situation, i am told i do things that shouldn't be done in that certain environment.
                                      1. The tasks I could not achieve are the ones that involve public speaking and listing positives and negatives about myself... I find it impossible to see my self objectively and actually list positive responses
                                        1. The tasks I don't like doing are ones that invole public speaking and a task where I am asked to list positives and negatives about myself because I can hardly ever list any positives at all... and that's pretty depressing
                                        2. Threats


                                          • What could stop me developing? What weaknesses will get in my way? Where have i failed before?
                                          1. The feeling of doubt and dread about growing up could stop me developing because if i do not have the will and determination to change my life i will never be able to change it
                                            1. The weaknesses that will get in my way are the lack of self confidence i have, the feeling of self hatred i have everyday and my lack of a plan for the future
                                              1. I have failed before in trying to add structure to my life, it went terribly because i added too much into the structure and almost ran my body into the ground, this caused some depression for me which didn't help either
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