Mathematics: FP1


A-level Maths (FP1) Mind Map on Mathematics: FP1, created by declanlarkins on 21/01/2014.
Mind Map by declanlarkins, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by declanlarkins about 11 years ago
Copied by declanlarkins about 11 years ago
Copied by declanlarkins about 11 years ago
Copied by declanlarkins about 11 years ago
Copied by declanlarkins about 11 years ago
Copied by declanlarkins about 11 years ago
Copied by declanlarkins about 11 years ago
Copied by declanlarkins about 11 years ago
Copied by declanlarkins about 11 years ago
Copied by declanlarkins about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Mathematics: FP1
  1. Summation of series
    1. Recognise convergence
      1. Find sum to infinity
      2. Method of differences
        1. Use standard results


          • \(\Sigma\)r, \(\Sigma\)\(r^2\), \(\Sigma\)\(r^3\)
        2. Proof by induction
          1. Generate conjecture based on limited results to then prove
            1. Method of induction
            2. Roots of polynomial equations
              1. Use substitution to find an equation with roots linked to original
                1. Relations between roots and coefficients
                  1. Quadratic or cubic only
                2. Complex Numbers
                  1. Non-real roots occur in conjugate pairs...
                    1. If polynomial has real coefficients
                    2. Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
                      1. Understand...
                        1. Real part
                          1. Imaginary part
                            1. Modulus
                              1. Argument
                                1. Conjugate
                                2. Draw Argand diagrams
                                  1. Geometrical relationship between conjugates
                                    1. Loci of modulus=modulus and inequalities
                                    2. Square roots
                                    3. Matrices
                                      1. Addition, subtraction, multiplication
                                        1. Understand null and identity matrices
                                          1. Know 2 x 2 identity
                                          2. Singular and non-singular
                                            1. Determinants and inverses (2x2 and 3x3)
                                              1. Use given result for inverse of products


                                                • (\(AB^{-1}\)) = \(B^{-1}\)\(A^{-1}\)
                                                1. Recognise that 2x2 matrices can represent transformations
                                                  1. Matrix AB is the transformation B followed by the transformation A
                                                    1. Area scale factor is related to determinant
                                                      1. Rotations
                                                        1. Reflections
                                                          1. Stretch
                                                            1. Shear
                                                              1. Enlargement
                                                              2. Understand link with solving simultaneous equations
                                                                1. Formulate appropriate matrices to solve given equations
                                                                2. Understand consistency and inconsistency of simultaneous equations and link to determinant
                                                                Show full summary Hide full summary


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