Factors affecting litter size


Nutrition Mind Map on Factors affecting litter size, created by Kmaccers on 18/04/2013.
Mind Map by Kmaccers, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Kmaccers over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Factors affecting litter size
  1. Ovulation rate
    1. Hormonal stimulation
      1. Gilt selection
        1. Boar stimulat
          1. Flush-feeding


            • Flush feeding is over feeding about 10 days before mating and then limiting food.
            1. Body condition
              1. Nutrition
              2. Fertilisation Rate
                1. Semen quality
                  1. mating technique
                    1. Stockmanship
                    2. Embryo survival
                      1. feeding post mating
                        1. 3.5 body condition score
                        2. Vitamins and minerals
                          1. Stress
                          2. Piglets born


                            • There are usually 9-12 piglets born, with a mean of 11.5. The range is 3-22+ Does nature play a role in still borns as litter sizes are often 15, 16 but there are only 14 teats.
                            1. Stillborns
                              1. body condition


                                • Piglets have no brown adipose tissue so they struggle to thermoregulate when born.  By utilising body glucose for heat production the piglets are susceptible to hypoglycaemia and hypothermia. 
                                • At birth,  Protein = 16% of body content Glucose = 3-3.8% Fat = 2%
                                1. housing
                                  1. nutrition
                                  2. Piglets weaned
                                    1. pre-wean mortality
                                      1. 10-30% (mean 15%)
                                      2. milk yield
                                        1. nutrition
                                          1. apetite
                                            1. health status
                                              1. supplementary piglet nutrition
                                                1. spacing and size of teats
                                                2. litters/sow
                                                  1. wean-mating period
                                                    1. empty days


                                                      • Bottom 1/3 = 53 days Average = 37 days Top 1/3 = 26 days Top 10% = 13 days 
                                                      1. nutrition
                                                        1. boar effect


                                                          • Exposing the gilt/sow to a boar can be used to resync the estrus cycle. Can also mate with a vasectomised male to increase litter size. Aborting the gilt - back in cycle in 96 hours. 
                                                          1. stress
                                                            1. body condition
                                                              1. parity
                                                                1. herd management
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